Note: Nothing was added/changed to the map but more so fixed issues that were caused by the recent blizzard patch.
- Hotkey for Towers is now Z. (Previously was A which didn't work with the new patch)
- Detonate/destruct works again for all elf structures.
- Spellbook hotkeys for "Root" and "Shield of Gods" work again. (E + E, E+ Z)
- Spellbook skill "Silence" is now hotkey S. (E + S)
- Hall upgrade path (Castle=>Fortress) hotkey is now Z.
- Hall buy lumber/sell lumber hotkeys are now A & V. (A = buy, V = sell)
- Hall buy/sell lumber for 200 hotkeys are now S & X. (S= buy 200, X = sell 200)
- Various "French" language in the map is now English.
Edit: The buy/sell lumber hotkeys have been fixed and been added to the changelog! Thanks again to BLOKKADE.
Edit2: Map updated.
Edit3: Map renamed.