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LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 pm
by Desire
After having a lot of good reviews I decided to try to make it official and hope this mode works out for everyone. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=133029

To all of those who pointed out the negatives I would hope D3(3 Tarverns) can fix those issues.
Thanks to everyone who supported, voted, or commented.

Real Suggestion:
Please change LoD mode to -sds6bod3fnos for trial.

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:57 pm
by W1nn4r
!sapport nned pvp all pussies whit 1 skill onley )))

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:47 pm
by Abolara
Looking forward to this. great stuff :D im keen as.

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:21 pm
by hagi
can't wait to not have to face 5reincarnations in a game, yay

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:29 am
by UrbanEdge
Some years ago there was a bot, where players could vote from few modes, before the game start. Changing the mode just because 10 players voted for it is...bad idea. Lets not forget, most games are stacked, so the chance of winning of the weakest team get pretty low.

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:25 pm
by Desire
UrbanEdge wrote:Some years ago there was a bot, where players could vote from few modes, before the game start. Changing the mode just because 10 players voted for it is...bad idea.

With 20+ votes(mostly positive) and already having most of them agree to the mode change... I think it's safe to say that it should be done and that it is not a bad idea to have a change to LoD that a lot of people complain about being "draft luck".

UrbanEdge wrote:Lets not forget, most games are stacked, so the chance of winning of the weakest team get pretty low.

Doesn't stacked games always result in the weakest team having a low chance of winning? Regardless of draft luck being heavily nerfed or not?

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:21 am
by UrbanEdge
The only way the weakest team to win is if they pick a draft they can play good (not the one they can just pick) + the stacked team has worse drafts. with 3 taverns, the better team can easier pick op drafts - relo/something, swipes/something and so on... and just farm faster.

edit: as we all know, 1 or 2 players with op drafts(easier to have from 3 taverns) can easily outplay 5 noobs.

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:59 pm
by Desire
UrbanEdge wrote:The only way the weakest team to win is if they pick a draft they can play good (not the one they can just pick) + the stacked team has worse drafts. with 3 taverns, the better team can easier pick op drafts - relo/something, swipes/something and so on... and just farm faster.

I just find that false. The game doesn't only rely on more then 2 people having a good draft and winning the game from there.
There's many other ways to win the game whether that's good teamwork, counters, or greed farming.

What your basing this on it seems like stacked teams have a greater advantage vsing a weaker team. It's been like that for time.

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:27 pm
by UrbanEdge
If the one team is stacked and they talk to each other who and what to pick, while everyone from the other team is trying to pick what he wants... this mode would be good only on tournament

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:17 pm
by CheW
OS mode is a way to curb overpowered drafts and actually makes it easier to go against a stacked team because you won't be fighting 3x rearm/relo/mc/wolf/bt/rein etc

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:08 pm
by SaI
hi guys. its been 2 months and i still dont see results.. the games we are having are getting worse and worse. the amount of stackers and there abuse towards godly builds is getting way out hand.. vsing 2 relo balls or 1 mc wrath another wrath egg and nother wrath silence.. why has this not come into play yet? itll tidy the game up more!

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:17 am
by unseenbuildz
I agree with Sal, I wish this would go forward!

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:19 pm
by CheW
No moderator wants to talk about this or put any input on it?

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:21 pm
by Desire
2 Months is quite a long time and the LoD community is still looking forward to this despite the lack of judgment they gives on forums. I'm pretty patient especially with ENT dept. being busy having to do much for us with things like WC3connect. With such a small community in LoD no ones really pushing it other then a few people consistently asking me when this mode will come out. I still think and encourage other players to give this mode a chance and even allow them to try it out. It wont fix the problems discussed before like relo + ball or mc wrath being "too op" but it will definitely balance out the game a good amount. This mode won't only benefit pro players but for the new players or not very good skill wise player can definitely benefit from this.

@Jabba41 @Hazardous
Anything on this topic?

Re: LoD Mode

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:57 am
by Unitil
Approved for a 1 month trial, at which time we'll take a look into this again.

Updated game name and mode to sds6bod3fnos on ENT.73
