Help people find good lobbies by removing lobbies that haven't been used.

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Help people find good lobbies by removing lobbies that haven't been used.

Postby emtonsti » Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:03 am


right now when looking at wc3 lobbies, i have a 50% chance of entering a "[ent]" lobby that will have 0 players and stay that way for a while. So i see nice Angel arena!, oh nobody here. Oh yes Warlock, oh nobody here. I think this is verry discouraging for a lot of players. Feels like there are a lot of robot hosts and no players, even though there are. And not everybody uses websites like this to filter out empty lobbies.

It looks like some of the lobbies are autohosted since they are 24 hours a day. How about this:

Have the programm remember how frequently people join a specific game type (for example Angel Arena) while hosting it for say 15 minutes.
Remove the lobby If it would take longer than 1 hour to fill a game lobby and it has 0 players. People are unlikely to stick around that long anyway.(since some people leave it will take longer than 1 hour to fill)
For the autohosted gametypes create a lobby every 1 hour to gauge how frequently people join.
Results: Completly unused lobbies would only be hosted for 15 minutes every hour, causing a massive decrease of those 3/4 of the time. At the same time lobbies that have a reasonable chance of starting a game will still be available.

I really think this will help the wc3 community.



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Re: Help people find good lobbies by removing lobbies that haven't been used.

Postby Quetra » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:35 pm

Angel Arena has 278 games played on the autohost this week. If an autohost is unused we would simply remove it for inactivity, but these autohosts are used plenty.


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