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Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:49 pm
by Desire
Picking up from this suggestion -
viewtopic.php?f=43&p=528895#p528895Unitil wrote:LoD game mode has been changed to sds6bod3fnos for a trial period of 1 month. This is live on ENT.73 for all realms.
Reverted due to hcl not functioning properly
and, suggestion discussion -
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=133029So, I've learned that we could not add to the HCL because of the characters inside the string being too long. So rather than adding a new mode, I believe the most reasonable thing to do is to replace the original mode to suggest a new one.
Suggestion:Convert sds6bod2fn to sds6bod3os.
Please vote on the suggestion poll and leave your reason on why you voted that option below. A discussion or comment is much more helpful than just leaving a vote.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:05 pm
by unseenbuildz
Sounds like a good idea to make this change! yessss
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:50 pm
by Sylvanas
That middle choice is kind of unnecessary.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:12 am
I dont think its a good idea what makes lod fun is how broken it is. I've been playing imba legends lod that is on euro battle net server where the max hero level is not 25 think its unlimited. Bunch of crazy ass new items. Maybe we can host this new map for those that like the crazy ass lod game play and then you can do this version of lod with the new update you want.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:30 am
by Unitil
Per the link you provided, it is 1.26 and below only. Would not function on our current patch.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:11 am
by Desire
LODNOOB wrote:I dont think its a good idea what makes lod fun is how broken it is. I've been playing imba legends lod that is on euro battle net server where the max hero level is not 25 think its unlimited. Bunch of crazy ass new items. Maybe we can host this new map for those that like the crazy ass lod game play and then you can do this version of lod with the new update you want.
@LODNOOBHaving to vs more than one imbalanced ability combination is fun? It's almost instant win vs 3 mc wrath or reincarnation, sometimes you can't even leave base cause it's an x12 global ability.
This suggestion isn't getting rid of imba builds, It's just getting rid of 2 or more people getting the same exact imba build and having to deal with twice the challenge it originally already brings. And with d3 you have a higher chance of getting that imba build that you consider fun.
And just to add, this can help less skilled players get that build their most comfortable with and get to learn better.
Unitil wrote:Per the link you provided, it is 1.26 and below only. Would not function on our current patch.
As already explained, we can't host those maps because they aren't compatible with patches 1.26+. This is the only map that doesn't have really op things that are even worse then relo ball or mc wrath. So better to just work with this one and change the things we can do to balance this game a bit more.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:57 pm
by KilAzoR
Removing FN is the most retarded and stupid idea that even
@Desire could even imagine. Wondering how many new retarded ideas is he going to input with funny friends who not even play lod but come here for vote because he ask them for it LOL. HUGE FUCKING NO. I already said something in other post about those super fixes and making game better with those stupid ideas but looks like cannot find it anymore so probably need to repeat OK. I really wonder how people playing less than two years are trying to make changes that were from the very beginning of this game. FN was here always from fucking begining of Chevelle but none of commenting this post here obviously and clearly dont even have simple idea what im talking about. Later FN was optionally replaced(OPTIONALLY OPTIONALLY OPTIONALLY need to probably say it few times because many of people have problem with interpretating) with EM mode but its really bad for LoD. Few of you probably know that im not kind of jungler and 90% of games i play on middle lane so i shouldnt really care about that( its even like better for me not super farmed guys after 10min) FN mode is one of basic things that make a big diffrence beetwen regular DotA and LoD so dont ruin it only because some genius person/people HAS/HAVE A FEELING THAT REMOVING FN MAKE IT BETTER LOL for fuck sake what a retardness really - didnt really expect it from
@Desire because i always thought ure one of the most smart people of LoD community. I agreed with you and your idea of insertion OS mode - because it MIGHT make it better (in my opinion if u want make this game most fair the only way is MD mode so you can expect a bit what you gonna to deal with) but many of people didnt want it same as now im sure more than 70% players DONT WANT mode without FN but looks like
@Desire found out how to ruin LoD even more (like new patch of Blizzard didnt destroy it enough -I mean no more new players can join it) or keep in best condition to play only with people he like and accept - his friends from his channel/old clan. But i can say you Desire that only 15% of players are using FORUM and only 5% or less are in that(yours) group so you act like nazi politican doing such forum votings. Option for your happy bunch of puppies is inputting !votemode option in lobby(anyway if you play with them vote for the MOST FAIR MODE IN YOUR SENSE and there will be no diffrence but no need to destroy other players games) as
@urbanedge suggested somewhere earlier or keep playing private games like you do and there choose the MOST FAIR MODE IN YOUR SENSE.I understand that you tried to make LoD community work better by making that Clan ETC and it was good idea and start... but excessive attempts to improve something by force will destroy it not make it better...So hold on with few things and if you wanna change something start it with single little changes like OS(which i totally accepted as mentioned) not by changing for example CLASSIC music into fucking trapnewschoolshitmusic and force people to listen it.
PS I think even LOD BOT had understood thats the most retarded and stupid idea ever and refused to change the game mode for your suggested one ^^
Once again HUGE NO.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:43 pm
by kunkka
Please kindly forgive and ignore our friend Kilazor as he has some anger issue to fix.
The situation is... it's not like we have a choice here. In order to implement the new mode we have to remove 2 letters from the current mode (sds6bod2fn) and add "os". Other than "fn", nothing else can be removed for the game to start loll (unless we make blue to type the mode in the beginning of every game, which is not viable)
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:45 pm
by KilAzoR
@kunkka SU stupid kid you are not even playing LoD so keep ur comments for urself because they bring nothing except your retardness.
So if nothing more can be added, the answer is simple. clear and obvious - nothing should be changed.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:43 pm
by kunkka
What made you so confident that I don’t play lod? Maybe pull ur head outta ur ass and start to realize your opposition is actually promoting this change given no one likes you. Lmfao!
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:41 pm
by CheW
Enable rearm combos
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:57 pm
by UrbanEdge
Lod is played by 100?200?300? players. i dont think anything should be changed, because 10% of them want it. Also, anyone from his clan shouldnt be allowed to vote, due to what Kilazor already wrote.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:17 pm
by kunkka
UrbanEdge wrote:Lod is played by 100?200?300? players. i dont think anything should be changed, because 10% of them want it. Also, anyone from his clan shouldnt be allowed to vote, due to what Kilazor already wrote.
Wrong. You shouldn't deny a change by assuming a lot things.
1. you assumed only 10% want it? Did you ask the rest 90% and get their confirmation that they don't want it? From previous experience, many times we found out we like the change after it happens
2. you assumed change will make players leave. A good change may very well bring new experience to existing players and even bring more players.
3. you assumed Kilazor's outrage post was right.
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:38 pm
by CheW
So rearm combos enabled??
Re: Mode Change(LOD)
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:15 pm
by Sylvanas
KilAzoR wrote:Removing FN
Once again HUGE NO.
fn is every bit as shitty and unnecessary as this gigantic wall of text that nobody is ever going to read.