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Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 2:58 pm
by Augustinus
See title. I think its really silly that people get banned for ff against the wish of the 4th team member, if the bot command is allowing that instance to happen in the first place.

Thus I think the amount of votes needed for ff needs to be adjusted and in consequence the rule 'do not abuse !ff' would only apply to instances where people use !ff to manipulate gameplay statistics.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:34 am
by Olafsenbo
You dont get banned for ff against the 4th team member, you get banned for ff without there being a reason for it.

Even if your entire team decides to ff, the opposite team can still report you so it wouldnt change anything. Reflecting on the rules would prevent what youre talking about.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 5:10 pm
by Edgeofchaos
There was once a time when a team realized there was an enemy player who was throwing games to try to achieve zero wins. The team unanimously decided to forfeit because they didn't like him throwing, and the thrower reported this and got them banned. So yeah it doesn't matter if you have 4/4 votes or 3/4 votes.

However I think that forfeiting should require unanimous votes in every game mode anyways.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 7:07 pm
by Augustinus
Edgeofchaos wrote:There was once a time when a team realized there was an enemy player who was throwing games to try to achieve zero wins. The team unanimously decided to forfeit because they didn't like him throwing, and the thrower reported this and got them banned. So yeah it doesn't matter if you have 4/4 votes or 3/4 votes.

However I think that forfeiting should require unanimous votes in every game mode anyways.

That would be an abusive instance without question. They used for to manipulate stats. However I recently see a lot of ppl getting reported and even banned for using ff after getting in a heavily disadvantageous situation. I don't think it should be bannable to decide as a team to give up on such occasions. The rules should be applied to improve the gaming experience and not serve as fog leaves for revenge reports.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 7:15 pm
by Edgeofchaos
Examples of revenge reports?

I do think !ff should require 4/4 or 5/5 for dota. Regardless of ff abuse reports.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:24 pm
by Augustinus
Now this came to my mind immediately: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=142671 or this


or this one, which is really horrible since an entirely incompetent guy who doesn't even play LTD Mega is deciding that the game wasn't evidently lost. With that logic every ff is abusive because someone from the enemy team could disconnect any time. It is also perfectly legitimate to ff imo, when you see that the enemy team has more push and more value and lumberbank at arena. Why is ent trying to enforce rules here? I can also argue that a chess game isn't evidently lost if I lose my queen after 3 turns, but against any normal sane opponent it would be. Same with the situation above, it is just a disgusting formality to assume that one can not ff after leaking that big to warriors with all players even stuck at low pushes.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:10 am
by Meshtar
I support this topic. It should be 4/4 required and reporting it shouldn't be acceptable by anyone unless its a clear abuse to influence elo. Saying you need 3/4 votes and a good reason is very arbitrary, because game reading is very skill and knowledge dependent, basically what seems evidently lost to one person can seem different to another and vice-versa. Even moderator opinion goes in the same category, because last I checked mods aren't gods of ltd when it comes to knowledge, so their opinion in these cases is also arbitrary, same as everyone else's. If a team chooses to forfeit, let them forfeit without fear of punishment or ban, unless they are clearly doing it to boost or lower someone's elo

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:54 pm
by MudMan
As this topic is relevant over the last week, i'd like to bump this thread because we are so close to having a universal acceptance of its implementation

@merex @falenga @haunt @unitil

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:19 am
by kasper699
it needs to be 4/4 and the other team to agree to the ff!

if 1 member of the winning team dose not agree with the FF then its still FF ABUSE

my 1st FF abuse ban was filed from the winning team.

Re: Change votes needed for forfeiting a game in ltd to 4/4

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:07 pm
by Haunt
Due to ENT shutting down, this suggestion is archived.