Thank you for the respectful and kind replies, Karasu., as well as including ways for me to improve my topic. Other moderators that I've seen having
good behavior are EdgeofChaos and Medicca. Now for some examples...
Agreements wrote:Why are you posting in this "spam" thread lol
This was posted in the "Public's View of Fangorn's Ban" thread. It was a thread asking for opinions on Fangorn's ban, which was in fact very much necessary due to the main ban request (found here: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=14809) being locked. I'm rather confused about how this is "spam" in any way, shape, or form.
Now onto Agreement's remarks in the original ban request thread.
Agreements wrote:Ofc you blame lag, and yet he doesn't. Come up with a better excuse next time.
If it was was trinity, and 5 sec, as you mentioned he would have 5k ms, in which he CLEALY didn't. Since the lagscreen would appear in that very second.
Having lags at min 30, doesn't mean you have lag at min 50... Besides from the replay being bugged in regard to starttimes, has nothing evidential in regard to the click itself.
I suggest you research a little more in regard to latency.
none of the clicks made from min 38 to end, is the same in replay as well as in drm.
Also if it was lag, then how could he use ulti-like you can when you have 0 latency .. bummer.
There are a few episodes, when we tried ganging him, where he just jumps out before. But i guess, 5 sec latency makes you do that. pff
First off, Agreements blows off the explanation provided as an excuse. The next thing he did - which, in my opinion, was rather reasonable - was question the 5-second lag. I would have done the same. However, at the end, his "pff" shows extreme unwillingness to believe anything; at this point, I pretty much already knew that the chances of Fangorn being unbanned by Agreements were near zero.
Agreements wrote:Also fangorn, stop the personal shit, unless you want to seem like a guy on a crusade. Qtrinity haven't proved anything yet.
Seem like a guy on a crusade... at the risk of being insulting, hypocritical much?
Agreements wrote:And since he's your friend, i see why you defending him.
Throwing out accusations of bias against QTrinity simply because QTrinity is behaving like a staff member should (even though he isn't!) and double-checking the validity of the fog-click.
Agreements wrote:Also trinity, is not in staff, so what he says atm, has no bearing on the verdict in the end. (but you already knew that).
While true, I see no purpose in harping on the fact that QTrinity is no longer on the ENT staff. He has provided a plethora of useful information, which, unless I'm mistaken, the moderators looking at the case could potentially consider. While he may not have a vote, he certainly can have an influence. Maybe I'm biased, but it seems as if you're trying to intimidate QTrinity into stopping his postings simply because he's arguing against you.
Agreements wrote:Dunno why mods, who says they dunno about dota, even post's but i guess that will remain a wonder though.
Because, maybe, just maybe, delayed clicks exist throughout all of WC3, not just DotA? And they're rather consistent in terms of what can or cannot be considered a delayed click?
Agreements wrote:I don't want to keep telling you to stop insulting me, or anything. You been told before, and once should have been enough, yet i'm giving you a lot of chances here, but if you are to stubborn to follow a simple guideline about respect you shouldn't be posting at all. Last warning in that regard. Tired of keep telling you.
Right. And perhaps you, too, should start following this guideline? If you need examples, there are a bunch right above this.
Agreements wrote:Can you people stop going off-topic and post relevant instead.
No nvm. that's clearly impossible. letting yondaime and others take this from now. Locking due to insults. (and I'm not forum banning anyone even though i should).
Until this case is resolved, nothing will happen.
Now maybe all the off-topic posts were deleted, but at the time of writing, there really isn't much off-topic stuff in the thread. Also, huzzah for thinly-veiled threats.
Now from another thread, viewtopic.php?f=14&t=14657. Disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with the motives behind the creation of the thread, and have no comment on the merit of the accusations presented within. I could go on and on about how the users within could also be more respectful, but this is about the moderators, so, without further ado...
Agreements wrote:Haters gonna always gonna hate.
Don't you kids got anything else to do?
You lost a game, get over it. pff.
I'd be very disappointed to learn that this behavior is perfectly acceptable for admins.
BeerIsForBears wrote:yup , especially when this is about maphack . We need other mods opinions as well because banning for year is long time and we don't want to make mistake so go ahead and report about this player if you think he has maphack
and why are u stalking him ? Everything he does , you post it to forums... Seriously
The first part made me laugh a bit, reading that so soon after reviewing Fangorn's ban request. The second part... well, did somebody say "unnecessary, irrelevant insults"?
BurritoCarcass wrote:I agree with my fellow mods, this is low, even for you fangorn.
There was no possible way to say that in a more respectful way? No, of course not. Jumping to calling others "low" was the only way this could be remedied!
BurritoCarcass wrote:I love how half of Fangorn's argument in his last post is completely irrelevant. This isn't about smurfing/sniping, this is about you continually defacing the admin of this community because
you are morally challenged. What do you expect someone to do in game when you say someone is a dodger/MHer? Kick them and ban them on the spot? If you are so sure of this accusation, take the time and prove it, stop whining about our admin. It is not our responsibility to trust baseless accusations from people like you, and if you are so disgusted by our actions, why don't you take your "talents" somewhere else.
Half of your posts on the forum are not only useless, but ignorant. It's posts like this that have reduced the value of your opinion, and you wonder why no one responds to your accusations or trusts you. Get a life. Oh, and one last thing, I'm sorry if playing with people I know is stacking, sue me.
Sorry that I have people that will actually play with me, unlike you... it's strange how some people enjoy playing with other people they know, that's a weird concept. Go figure.
The bolded parts basically speak for themselves. And to think that the speaker is trusted with responsibilities regarding the smooth running of ENT...
BurritoCarcass wrote:If it's a bitch club, please go elsewhere. We don't want you here. And
@fangorn, you haven't been in an EDL game, I know this because you aren't vouched. So you are completely wrong.
Please come play again so I/we can shit on you, even make your own team, if you have that many friends, and I'd gladly play you. Oh god you are climbing the top 10 of ENT, would you like a medal?
I'm also not sure why you care about stats so much, seriously, who cares... Not to mention 90% of the good players from ENT are on dota2 now. You are just a pubstar, you aren't prepared for a structured dota. and
@iamlegion who the fuck are you? i really think you should just not talk anymore... you are just making yourself look more stupid. And honestly, fangorn,
if you are so annoyed and bothered by how we handle things at ENT, please take my prior advice and take your "talents" elsewhere. Thanks.
Starts off by recommending that the user leaves. Then he makes the assumption that "[he] can shit on [fangorn]" in regards to DotA play. Next up, he talks about how Fangorn is way too stats-obsessed, and stats don't mean anything anyways. In the very next sentence, he completely brushes a user aside because his stats are stellar? Surely I'm not the only one confused by this... And to end things off, a message for every ENT user out there: If you think we're doing something wrong, fuck off. Sincerely, BurritoCarcass.
Agreements wrote:There is no constructive criticism here, it's all about harassment as far as i see.
This is one of the most reasonable things I've seen Agreements post so far...
Agreements wrote:This is getting nowhere, and since fangorn have a grudge against me, he are unwilling to see past that.
On the other hand, you are SO willing to see past any grudges you have with Fangorn in order to be totally fair and impartial with regards to his ban request.
Agreements wrote:Now the real issue here: You stated something in-game. You already know if you suspect anything you should state it in a ban request after the game, or better yet, get out of the current game, and play the next one.
Admins playing in-game should relax and play for fun. (and if playing with friends is stacking, so be it) If we were paid for this job, it would be different and you could be right about some of the things you stated.
If you wanted a mature discussion about "how to improve ENT" you should have started a post in suggestions, which is actually possible to implement. Now since all you are doing here, is complaining, i don't really see the the punchline.
Can't really argue with this at all. It's stated in a rather respectful manner. At the very least, I would recommend holding ENT staff to these standards when they are discussing matter in which their rank as a moderator/administrator holds weight.
Agreements wrote:Actually if you guys want to keep up the insults - i do suggest you find another gamehost, since ENT clearly don't tolerate that, and we never will. If you got problems and can back them up, you post a complaint. If not, you keep it for yourselves.
That makes sense, insulting shouldn't be allowed, and it's not tolerated here at
Agreements wrote:But i guess research is not your favorite topic.
...On the other hand, thinly-veiled insults? Go ahead!
EdgeOfChaos wrote:This should probably be locked. It's just a flame war at this point and Agreements obviously acted fine here.
Sanity prevails! Kudos.
If you would like more examples, I'll be more than happy to provide them.