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Autohost: Shopping Maul 6.24

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:24 pm
by Adronyth
Link to map (or load code if it's on the public hosting bot):
Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): 12 player Map but you only need 5 players with experienced red
Number of players until autostart: autostart should be at 5 players
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: no problems stable map no cheats
Why the map should be autohosted:its one of the best TD Maps in the game you can get exp that is saved with a code at the end of the game to unlock new shops (like races in other maps) new special towers oh i forgot many very good and challenging game modes
Special notes:said everything

Re: Shopping Maul 6.24

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:38 am
by Google]Earth
This would be nice, to be added onto ent hosting bots.

Wait for some more people who agreed to have this suggest processed.
I played alot of times maul but it was 6.22 this is an new version?

@uakf.b will answer ASAP

Re: Shopping Maul 6.24

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:46 pm
by Adronyth
yes its the latest version from

here is a gameplay video

Re: Autohost: Shopping Maul 6.24

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:20 pm
by teller55
There doesn't seem to be any more interest in this map being no one else has commented on it in 2 months. You can host it via our Public Hosting Bots and see if a lot of people play it.