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Legion TD Mega (features)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:56 pm
by iG0D
it seems like everyone and their mother wants the -vk mode and not !votekick....

How hard or impossible would it be to add this to legion???

Re: Legion TD Mega (features)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:02 pm
by iG0D
Also do u think it would be possible in this new beta legion to add a new feature too???

The idea is when hybrid is picked that it would show if ur entire build is either negative or positive?

For example if u build captain in hybrid it only costs u 85 gold but he really costs 110 so next to ur name on scoreboard it would have a +25... but then if u built something negitive it would drop... just an idea i had when playing hybrid

Re: Legion TD Mega (features)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:07 pm
by cyberpunk
hcl 0" or "hcl -0" is special HCL command
  • This command won't do anything to game mode (player can still type their own mode)
  • This command will disable -vk (map's votekick, Hostbot already have their own votekick)
  • This command will enable W3MMD

Translating. w3mmd is the rank system, if you enable the system will disable the -vk.
-vk is not so important when you have !votekick

About the new feature, no. It's not possible we do not make maps. You can make this suggestion here