Jurassic Park
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:40 pm
You can eliminate Red's ability to kick at will. I doubt all hell will break loose. The !votekick function still exists, and if you really think red needs to be special, then maybe his vote will count for 2 out of 3 instead of just 1 or something like that.
But my understanding is that a clan bot still hosts the map, so even if I JASS changed the map it really wouldn't matter because it wouldn't be the official map. I know because when I private host the game myself, I can load my score code, but I don't receive a new one at the end of the game. so it's not like I can avoid playing on the clan ENT47 bot.
But my understanding is that a clan bot still hosts the map, so even if I JASS changed the map it really wouldn't matter because it wouldn't be the official map. I know because when I private host the game myself, I can load my score code, but I don't receive a new one at the end of the game. so it's not like I can avoid playing on the clan ENT47 bot.