Bleach vs OnePiece
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:34 am
Hi,I'm just a player and I'd like to kindly request the ENT staff to add Bleach vs OnePiece 2.08b to the 'sponsored' games in the games list if possible? it used to be hosted by one of clan SPN's bots but recently they closed doors and disbanded,there's UcW's bleachBOT still hosting it but their server it's in Europe and pings are higher,desyncs are quite frequent too.
While SPN was hosting it games were flowing day in,day out;main reason was the map being hosted in all the regions in garena Asia included,with UcW it's mostly Europe but the games are still flowing leaving aside the late hours maybe.What I'm trying to say is this map it's popular enough and due to it's name it keeps attracting new players.
P.S: in the 'list of added maps' it's the one uploaded by BarbarianRabbit.
Subject: Autohost [BvO 2.08b]
Link to map ... v2.08b.w3x
(or load code if it's on the public hosting bot): v2m8v
Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): 0/12 -no closed slots
Number of players until autostart: 12/12
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: clean map,although 'old timers' know couple tricks and glitches but extremely rare to even be aware of them much less use them.
Why the map should be autohosted: it's highly popular and from the two clans hosting it one disbanded and one stopped hosting it,they say it's not permanent but the server it's in Europe and there's lag issues for non Europe players.
Special notes:map has some sluggish terrains apparently here and there and old GPU's will fail to load those terrains resulting in a 'failed loading' as I call it.If a player leaves the game during loading screen or 'failed load' occurs a: 'Hacked map' message will be displayed at the start of the game and the game will end instead before even starting.The map has some anti-mh triggers but the map maker failed those triggers and now it's like this.This issue with old GPU's won't happen constantly whenever there's someone with an old GPU in the lobby however there is a chance for it to happen if this criteria is met + the chance of some players willingly leaving during loading screen (ctrl+alt+del) this may be the case when they had a mate that couldn't join due to game being full for example,currently there is no way to tell one from another.
While SPN was hosting it games were flowing day in,day out;main reason was the map being hosted in all the regions in garena Asia included,with UcW it's mostly Europe but the games are still flowing leaving aside the late hours maybe.What I'm trying to say is this map it's popular enough and due to it's name it keeps attracting new players.
P.S: in the 'list of added maps' it's the one uploaded by BarbarianRabbit.
Subject: Autohost [BvO 2.08b]
Link to map ... v2.08b.w3x
(or load code if it's on the public hosting bot): v2m8v
Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): 0/12 -no closed slots
Number of players until autostart: 12/12
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: clean map,although 'old timers' know couple tricks and glitches but extremely rare to even be aware of them much less use them.
Why the map should be autohosted: it's highly popular and from the two clans hosting it one disbanded and one stopped hosting it,they say it's not permanent but the server it's in Europe and there's lag issues for non Europe players.
Special notes:map has some sluggish terrains apparently here and there and old GPU's will fail to load those terrains resulting in a 'failed loading' as I call it.If a player leaves the game during loading screen or 'failed load' occurs a: 'Hacked map' message will be displayed at the start of the game and the game will end instead before even starting.The map has some anti-mh triggers but the map maker failed those triggers and now it's like this.This issue with old GPU's won't happen constantly whenever there's someone with an old GPU in the lobby however there is a chance for it to happen if this criteria is met + the chance of some players willingly leaving during loading screen (ctrl+alt+del) this may be the case when they had a mate that couldn't join due to game being full for example,currently there is no way to tell one from another.