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Update Ban system

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:19 pm
by bobdaabuilder
I tink you should update your auto-ban system.... i got banned each 3 day and now i am for 2 years and i will stop play. There was my situation and it look nobody care about it. I tinks you lost good player each day, who got bored about that. this was my situation if it can help you to improve that:

Warcraft III username: bobdaabuilder
Realm: Garna & Entk conect
Situation: REALY BORED
Why you should be unbanned: I use usb key and got banned each 3 day for unknow reason and that what i can see (see Pic 1)
In my previous forum i got that discussion:
I got Usb internet key and i always get ban... i am currectly, can someone corect the situation today?
If you learn and agree to using ent connect, I can whitelist you so you won't have this problem.
Awsome! Tanks Wyldcard. I will take a look at ent connect
Let me know if ent connect works for you.
Just a heads up: when you use it, don't exit out of the browser or the tab that you used to connect to ent connect to, or you will d/c.
(Tanks to wyldcard)

But now i tried install all requirement to use entk conect, and when i start the game i got one of these 2 error message (pic 2 & 3)
after that i can see game instead of error message but cant not joint them. l also removed and instaled the game aigain whitout my no cd loader and it still do same tingh. But when i am tring to use garena, its work perfecly exept for the game that your are hosting beacaus i got banned. I got banned each 3 day and that realy starting to make me bored cus im a good player, never leaving and alwais playing good. Can someone do someting to PERNAMENTLY CORECT THE PROBLEM ???? plz help and tanks for reading and anshering! (sorry for my bad english).

Also: Everyting else is good, and make a second live to this game good work for all 9/10

Re: Update Ban system

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:32 am
by aRt)Y
@bobdaabuilder I am tired of your spamming. Stop sending PMs or topics regarding this case until your appeal has been processed.