Latency and Sync Limit 2
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:47 am
~ uakf.bIf the sync limit is too high, then they will simply drop from the game rather than having the lag screen come up so that they can catch up. It is reasonable to increase it from 50 to 100, but too many people don't know the technical details of how latency and sync limit work.
I just wanted more of an insight for the Sync Limit and Latency Limit.
As far as I know..
The Sync Limit allows leniency in milliseconds for the player to be up to date with the host service.
The Latency Limit allows the fixed delay for all players to send a command to the game map.
In example:
*setting it to 500 limit will cause everyone to take half a second to move.
*setting it to 50 limit will cause everyone to take 1/20th of a second to move, however most players with high latency (300+) will have their client beginning to skip frames (nudging).
Ofcourse I don't wish to debate your judgement on the matter, I do mostly wish to gather valuable insight on the situation. BGN has the functions limited as: Latency 250, and Synclimit 1,000. MakeMeHost has it as Latency 500, and Synclimit 10,000.
I can see it might be disturbing when someone adds the latency too high, the Synclimit however I don't see any drawbacks. (Does it stress the bot maybe? ) I'd prefer for the player to simply drop if his latency is THAT bad rather than having to wait for 20-30 seconds with 5 second intervals of playtime when he's caught up (The nature of my post.) however I may not understand what other situations it impacts, which is why I ask.
All I can see is the goodness and benefit those two commands can bring, you're an Administrator and your time is valuable. If explaining is too taxing on your already charitable service you're providing us all then please don't fret. But personally I might simply return to BGN as I had a horrible experience through quite the handful of players I couldn't .. relieve, because of their inconsistency.
Excuse for the dig-up, I just wished to understand to better educate myself on the situation for future reference.