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Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:54 am
by Merex
Link to map (or load code if it's on the public hosting bot): r7tex (Will also attach map)

Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): Close slots 3, 4, 7, 8 (2v2)
Number of players until autostart: 4

Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any:
There are various glitches+bugs in the map people should be aware of but I don't think any of them are really an issue:
  • Greymayne (Upgraded grizzly) isn't attacked until it's the last standing unit. (If you build auras or anyother tier prior to greymaynes they will be attacked and the greymaynes will be ignored until they are the only unit left)
  • Many units do not contain food making it slightly more advantaging cause you don't need t worry about farm but it does balance out giving the huge increase in units/creeps.
  • If this goes beyond 2v2 or round 17 it will begin to lag (Partial-Personal opinion, there are friends who've also experienced this.)
  • Troll fighter sells lower than original cost even if built/sold within the same round.
  • Peons cost for 20g but mysteriously deducts more gold after being built. (I think another 20)
  • Tuskars sell higher than original cost (This glitch can only be preformed within a quick period of time otherwise all the gold you glitched will go down, rare rare occasion this will be successful if done.)

Why the map should be autohosted:
  • Despite the many bugs/glitches it hasn't really negatively effected the game in over the 300+ times I've hosted it.
  • It's a fun map for x3 players to try. With it being x10 creeps, it will hold a bigger challenge for players.
  • Will bring notice to some of the unused units in x3 and provide more strategies.
  • Will get rid of crossing. The lanes are simply too big and too complicated of a process to successfully pull off in x10 (Has been tested before).
  • It is still a 3.5 map so does contain heroes.
  • Whisps go up to 9 and the king's upgrades are buffed as-well so should provide a nice long game if played properly.
  • Some units are buffed/contain new skills so will definitely be an interesting experience for x3 players.
  • Overall a nice map (Personal opinion). Some will argue given various units/creeps/lag but I don't see it being a big of an issue should it be accepted.

Special notes:
I highly recommend -hpgmcb prophet as the mode. Despite being a 3.5 map having -sdgmcb will be too 1 sided when having scattered units will provide a better armada.
This thread was suggested by @nabo. given the recent LTD 2v2 suggestion thread and it's mixed opinions. I figure making a new one will provide better insight on the map itself and such. @uakf.b

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:37 am
by darkwolf
only suggestion i would have before it gets auto hosted is to go through the cost of some units. some units cost more then what they say, other then that i would love to see a x10 autohosted since every time i look in custom game lobbies there is always one hosted however they are hosting the wrong version which alot of aura's dont work on.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:19 am
by Hutzu
I might have overlooked something, but I just checked all units for special abilities (not including enemy creeps, just the player's towers).

-Pyro can be upgraded for another 170g to "Destroyer". Instead of 1005 HP it has then 1840 HP and gets the hydra-ability to attack 3 units for 40 damage every 3rd attack.
-Veteran gets HP buff I guess (I doubt it had 1000/1005 HP before) and also the same skills as a wolverine
-Doomsday gets zombie-aura, which reduces the damage of creeps.

-Ygg gets 3rd upgrade option, which has 3.7k HP (the others have ~2.3k HP), does pierce damage of 201-221, but heals as a normal ygg
-Goliath gets alpha male buff, where it attacks in a frenzy (20% chance), and wolverine-kill ability "Finishing Blow)

-Oracle has healwave as well as damage reduction buff

-Sea Giant has 15% chance for roundhouse slash (like in dota)

-Warden has 15% vamp skill

(Arctic: Upgrading to Magna costs 4 food)

Besides those abilities, some attack speeds and other attributes have changed. But I wont make a list of that, cause I'm too lazy to go through all of that. And yeah, this is a beta version of LTD and build on the B4, so you can even build heros if you don't go prophet or hybrid.

Reducing the players to 2vs2 is a must. I didn't have any issues, when I played it, but many players kept lagging, because their hardware couldn't handle it.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:41 pm
by aRt)Y
Legion TD Mega 3.5x10 v3.9x.w3x; 996 games with 102 unique hosts since 2014-10-21 12:00:42. Average amount of hosted games increased steadily and is now up to 6-10 (ENT only). Seems fine.

However, there seems to be a lack of interest by the community if no one asked for an autohost bot before :/

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:27 pm
by Merex
Well, if you notice, x10 was recently (given the date you posted) discovered. Since x10 has so many changes in the units I'm sure regulars of the x3 community never really took it upon themselves to get use to it but merely viewed it as a joke-version perhaps one where you can act outside the normal strategies of LTD. Having an autohost bot (2v2) I would like to think as a test experience. Try it with a friend etc, if things go well perhaps a future could be held for it. I would be more than happy to post a thread in the LTD sub-forum should LTD x10 be added.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:50 pm
by nabo.
Mmmm I see this game being hosted often on the gamelist.

From my experience, players drop out often due to some unbalances or lag from either too many creeps or hero animation.

Anyway, cant be a 4v4. 2v2 is fine with no elo and no autoban. Just another TD to chill.

Leagion TD x10

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:12 am
by Patti30
Link to map :
Slot layout : Just like Legion TD
Number of players : 8
Problems with map : Lag
Why the map should be autohosted: Its a really funny map and it seems a lot of people like to play it
Special notes:

I just played a match Leagion TD x10 that was hosted privately. The game filled up really fast with random people that saw it.
It may be a map worth autohosting and I don't think it will be influencing Legion TD Mega x3 to much since it seems a lot of the people playing it don't have that much knowledge about the game. It is still a lot of fun though.
Since it is x10 there is a lot of lag happening and I don't know it the Servers of Entgaming will have to deal with that aswell or if it is just the clients making the calculations.

Suggestion for ltd x10

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:40 am
by KeeRo
I tried this version x10, it's really fun and I was wondering why the clan ent does not have a bot with this custom game.

I also noticed that there are no long waits for play, the games are filled almost always immediately.

it would be an idea to set up a bot with this custom? mb with a ranking system^^

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:18 am
by nabo.
@Patti30 @KeeRo

Your topics merged.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:22 pm
by F-Train
closing slots 2,4,6,8 will get rid of crossing

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:21 am
by Merex
Imo it's near impossible to cross in x10. Too many creeps.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:40 pm
by aRt)Y
Approved for trial.

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:04 am
by Spzi
I've played a few x10 games so far, and I liked them! Yes, coming from "regular" LTD it feels like a fun map.
Yes, a lot of people leave/drop, so my games ended up 2v2 - but I regretted that, 4v4 would be better!
Regarding map bugs: If it's about cosmetic issues like wrong buy/sell costs displayed, I'd love to fix that - I have some experience with the awesome World Editor. If ENT hosts the map, would it be possible to get hands on the source for bug fixing?

[edit] After some more games, I have to revise my opinion - the map has some major flaws or bugs. For example, greymanes won't be attacked as long as another unit is in range, which allows ridiculous strategies. Also there is a common codex not to send at level 1, 10, 20, as they are too hard to beat anways. Those levels should be balanced or it should be made impossible to send - it makes no sense to leave it like that.
Anyways, I feel this map is not ready yet to become auto-hosted, as it's quality is too poor. [/edit]

Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:12 am
by Hatedmaru
Only picked my interest on this map recently (due to j4zz mostly :D ), still gotta say this map is quite awesome to "relax/have fun"; As said before 2vs2 seems the most reasonable (3vs3 might be possible, 4vs4 is out of question: everyone's gonna lag out if this happens ^^). Looking forward to see this =D


Re: Autohost LTD x10 (2v2)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:17 pm
by uakf.b
Four players in game means only four characters of mode string can be sent over HCL. So setting hpgmcb isn't possible. How to proceed?