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ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:48 pm
by DAbot
Ever wondered how many people kicking each others.
So I'll decide to pick time for this

This will describe and explainty how to do;


!Votekick [kick partial name]
!Vk <name> [kick partial name] can be used by non-admin

You should as well replace the config!

Step 1. Go to game.base.cpp Image

After that you need to boost your library +CC on Linux/Windows
Requires: 2GB/RAM-Xteon-250 and 500 Space of XHL size of folder located my MyComputer://cfolder

Any comments suggestions or any ideas share with us here,

Thank you.


Re: ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:08 pm
by cyberpunk
I don't get it.
ps: There's no game.base.cpp, the correct is game_base.cpp

Are you trying to make a log to command !kick or !vk used by a non-admin for what purpose?

Re: ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:13 pm
by DAbot
cyberpunk wrote:I don't get it.
ps: There's no game.base.cpp, the correct is game_base.cpp

Are you trying to make a log to command !kick or !vk used by a non-admin for what purpose?

Example; use a basic command name as "!vk a User name partial nickname@ I vote this to be added on dota games only autohosted by enterprise service!

Thanks anyone for submitting and parcipication.

Oups sorry for incovenience.
My bad, :/ thx

Re: ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:47 pm
by DAbot
You went to play by having a new feature command on ent.bots such a !vk parametly instead !votekick [partial nickname].


!votekick da-01

Agreements All:

Votekick started against player [DA-01] started by [FakeNoob@IRC].
A vote kick against player [DA-01] has started by player [FakeNoob@IRC].

Use this !vk new basic command proposal.

such a and similiary to this;

!m mute a player for foul mouth only dota allowed.
!c Check a player for ping/latency/from/country
!p as ping latency lower or / case in anycase.

!b (Disabled by administrator) not mentioned above.

Trying to figure you out this, hope dont' you get it? Its !vk migh't be used as a votekick just swap a command: lol

Re: ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:22 pm
by DAbot
agreements wrote:You could have just said a shortcut for votekick, -vk. And i would have gotten the point. However sounds like people are getting lazy.

Ah that tooks to long finnaly you get it, agreements :X, now also would be a good thing too to have implented a shortcuts;/ !vc as !votecancel shortcut :P

Re: ENT !vk new commands and more minors

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:29 pm
by uakf.b
Don't think we need shortcuts, especially for a command like !votekick.