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Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:58 pm
by CuandoQuieras
As we can surely see whether we like it or not the dota one community is diminishing, sadly. I really enjoy to play dota 1 (and my computer cannot run dota 2.) ENT is basically the only place that hosts active dota games and I was wondering if it was possible to merge two game hosts. Dota ap us/ca and dota ap euro are two hosts that are the same map but they both are slow to fill in lobby. My thoughts are that if they were put both as one eg: [ent] dota ap #xx , the games would fill more quickly. Too many times we see that there are like 3 players in us/ca waiting and 5 in euro waiting. People tend to join games and if there is not enough players leave. I don't know if it would be possible but I think it would be appreciated by many.

Thanks for reading/ considering.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:09 am
by nabo.

Moved topic to Suggestions forum.

Good idea. I agree.

Only thing is that the us/ca and euro bots are hosted on different server location, so gonna have to choose one.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:00 am
by reborn2956
nabo. wrote:Only thing is that the us/ca and euro bots are hosted on different server location, so gonna have to choose one.

Perhaps the admins can look at players' location to determine if the majority of players are on Europe or US/CA then proceeds with choosing the location? Or perhaps the admins should pick a neutral location such as Japan or somewhere in the Pacific Ocean to ensure players from both continent would have no advantages nor disadvantages over ping.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:05 am
by Masamune
Except for the fact that Uakf.b needs to find/manage stable servers that can support or acquaint players? This comes with more time and money for him. Some of those servers can mimic the location but it can be based in the United States. For example, ENT71 is favorable to people live in the East of North America because the server is located in that location, like for example - Chicago. A neutral location like Japan will not have a stable server. Although, I think it is personally best just to merge Euro/US/CA bots on a single dedicated host server like HolyBear did with his bots (and receive no lag from it).

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:41 am
by CuandoQuieras
From personal experience I have noticed that on the euro server, there are many @useast (such as myself) and @uswest players as us/ca server rarely fills. There seems to be close to no lag issues when there is a mix of different locations on that server. Perhaps this server could be favored?

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 2:08 am
by NumberOneStunna
I'm a USWest player and, when I can play during the day, I often do ap euro games, since ap us/ca rarely fills. Nevertheless, I often see 3-4 people sitting in the ap us/ca lobby, hoping for a game. Combining the bots makes sense, as we'd get more ap games in total. I would host on europe, since it's clear that MOST non-em players are from that server. It does cause some lag to those of us who are not in europe, but it's better than not having the games to play.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:13 am
by NumberOneStunna
I just wanted to quickly add that if merged, this could free up another bot for testing the new map.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:00 pm
by nabo.


Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:41 pm
by CuandoQuieras
I was wondering if there was any conclusions as to whether or not this could happen. This post has been idle for a while and the situation remains the same. a few people in us/ca waiting for a game while euro is missing 2-3 players for a long time. Just wanted to know if anything is happening?

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:48 am
by reapers5
I'm a useast player, and for some reason, the dota -ap euro bot gives me huge delay, at least 5x the delay of any other bot (not really lag spikes, just unresponsive delay). The dota -apem euro bot isn't so bad for me (it spikes occasionally, but I prefer spikes to unresponsiveness), and of course the us bots run smooth for me. I've played a few dota -ap us/ca games and I prefer them to the em ones, but I will never play on the -ap euro bot again.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:55 am
by aRt)Y
We can test it on the ap bot for now.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:35 pm
by fck_gooks
Disagree with this suggestion. If it is moved to US only, than people in Euro will have more lag and US have unfair advantage. If moved to Euro, than US will be at a disadvantage.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:54 pm
by CuandoQuieras

If you look at people who join both bots you will notice that in US/CA many are Euro and in the Euro bots many are USEast. For instance I myself am a USEast player but I never join US/Ca as the games never start. I always play on Euro and personally I don't experience lag. I also play with 4 other USEast friends on that bot and they don't lag either.

Do you experience lag when playing on the opposite bot from your own gateway?

I am just sad that EM games start so quick and AP do not. I don't like EM (there is nothing easy about that mode and is quite unforgiving.) When waiting in lobby I check on ENT website and look at other games. US/East always have 2-3 players waiting and Euro is missing 2-3 players. It is aggravating when you wait 15 minutes while there is potentially other players who want to play too.

Re: Merging Dota ap us/ca with euro

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:01 pm
by nabo.

Both of you have a point.

From experience talking with various ent users, I know that some users lag only on one of the bots and others play the same on both bots.

The original purpose of having two bots on different server location was due to lag and fair gaming environment.

It is true that the combining the bot is not a bad idea, but the refuting arguments is strong also.

If you like non-em and understand why this mode is far superior to -em games, you should be able to agree to this suggestion:

If either option within that suggestion gets approved, there should be more traffic for non-em ap games (perhaps ar too?), I hope.

If there are still no traffic changes, I will bring this topic back up to uakfb's attention.

Till then,

I will archive.