Fixing VK Banning

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Fixing VK Banning

Postby Brando » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:24 am


I would like to suggest something that has had me annoyed and has gotten WAY to many innocent people banned (although some may deserve it). Well, as most mods and people who visit the ban request forms know, you see alot of people trying to ban the other team for not kicking a intentional feeder/thrower. Although I do agree with people not votekicking a OBVIOUS thrower deserves a minor ban, but RARELY do i see a person just intentionally throwing with no purpose. The teamates of the person doing it IMO has to be instigated by the teamates, such as trash talking. For example; one of my good friends had gotten banned for not kicking a thrower, and the team had only started a vk ONCE, also the teamates had EXTREMELY trash talked the thrower, and I saw the replay and it looked like he wasn't even throwing. The ban was for 3 days and honestly thats pretty ridiculous to me. I know there isn't really a choice to change this rule because of different scenarios ect.. But maybe changing it to a less amount of people having to !YES such as 7-8 with a full team of 10. Such as making a command like !votekick (name) throwing or !votekick (name) feeding. By this i mean making a new command specifically for throwers/intentional feeders/game ruiners, and every person in the game has 1 time to use that command. Its just an opinion and i think it would help with all these ban requests against innocent (some may deserve) people and it would help more mods get through to the people that need some more serious Ban Requests such as MH, Ban Dodging ect.. Thanks for your time if you have read to this point.


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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby Frank » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:31 am


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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:56 pm

The votekick ratio should already be 8 or 9/10 to kick a player. 3 or 4 days should only be applied to the votekick starter, so the usual duration is 2 days.

When posting an appeal, you can add everything you just said and it is likely to have the ban removed (just in general).
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby nabo. » Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:19 pm


Providing us an example (ban link) would be helpful.

...but RARELY do i see a person just intentionally throwing with no purpose.

I disagree having watched countless obvious game ruins. Regardless, if the violation is not obvious or not "visible", you are free to refuse. But, we do expect you to be more attentive and wonder about the situation by asking on game chat at least.

Here are our votekick rules:
Not sure if you have realized, but we have dedicated a page of its own due to its importance.

If you feel that the ban is too long or undeserved because you refused to vk someone based on good reasons, feel free to appeal and explain yourself. Most mods should be able to agree with you if reasonable and either reduce or remove your ban completely. Remember, vk is a powerful tool which players can use or abuse to kick another player out changing the game flower through technical means. Therefore, it should be used with care and after consideration.

!votekick [name] [reason] with output, "player A has initiated vk against player B [name] with [reason]" would not be bad idea though. Although players still should communicate on chat and explain what is going on.

What you think? too messy msg?
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby congo_ninja » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:49 pm

!votekick [name] [reason] with output, "player A has initiated vk against player B [name] with [reason]" would not be bad idea though. Although players still should communicate on chat and explain what is going on.

i like this

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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby aRt)Y » Wed May 13, 2015 10:51 am

nabo. wrote:!votekick [name] [reason] with output, "player A has initiated vk against player B [name] with [reason]" would not be bad idea though. Although players still should communicate on chat and explain what is going on

Idea is ok. It could potentionally used to insult the to be votekicked player but should rarely happen.

However, and to already clarify that now, the votekick [name] (optional reason) is no replacement for a proper conversation on chat.
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby uakf.b » Sat May 30, 2015 3:18 pm

Do we want the reason to be optional or required? If missing, a brief warning can be included saying what kinds of things should not be votekicked.
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby aRt)Y » Sat May 30, 2015 5:50 pm

I would rather go with the optional. From what we experienced, users are bad at filling out required data (just take the ban request format as an example...). They simply dont know what's appropriate/correct to input there.

So instead of a warning, perhaps add an info to the votekick. E.g.
You: !votekick test2
Bot: A votekick has been started... To provide additional information, use !votekick [user] [reason]
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby nabo. » Sat May 30, 2015 6:22 pm

if votekick command does not initiate without some reason stated, maybe it is ok to make it a requirement.
Although as arty mentioned, this suggestion should not be a replacement of communication about game ruiner.
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Re: Fixing VK Banning

Postby uakf.b » Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:30 am

The optional reason has been added
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