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Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:15 am
by jfaller1
I think any accounts under 800 elo should be allowed, if you're that bad you can easily make a new account. They make games longer to start and lower the elo gain if the other team wins
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:17 am
by jfaller1
Im actually in a game now where its been 10 minutes to start because no one wants to play with them
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:34 am
by nabo.
@jfaller1You mean playesr below 800 elo should not be able to play?
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:51 am
by NumberOneStunna
This is a strange suggestion. If low ELO players started new accounts, all it would accomplish is hiding their skill level so that other players can't decide whether to play with them.
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:53 am
by jfaller1
I agree, I see both sides to this. Making a new account does mask your skill level and how much you would offer your team, but at what point do you say "hey my elo is garbage let me start over."
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:54 am
by jfaller1
And no nabo I think they should be allowed to play, but make a different name, anyone under 900 or so tend to make games start a lot slower because people are scared to play with them.
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:01 am
by MarshMallows
hes not wrong in fairness, ive seen a few guys with like 400 elo and those games took like 15 minutes to start. I don't think there is any good solution though, I just think if you get a guy who isn't interested in learning or team play you have 2 options, play with him and get annoyed when he sends a whelp alone on 4 and calls u a save noob or else u can dodge him.
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:26 am
by ServerFailure
We have a +1100 Legion TD, how about a less than 800 Legion TD. Anyone with less than 800 elo is not allowed in normal Legion TD games.
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:09 am
by Mercy
I don't think we should isolate people by elo any more than we already have. I understand having a more skilled bot, but doing this would make our community, as a whole, more unwelcoming. There are far less 800ish elo players than there are 900+ so those games would hardly, if ever start, and we would lose a playerbase.
The other side of this is more of a positive though, people who would smurf using a low-elo account would be eliminated, making people use their mains should they want to play on main bots.
Though, that risk isn't high enough for me to want to separate our player-base more. I have no problem playing with some 800ish elo (c0ck.w3rk for instance, he has a decent skill for being a low elo. Think he anti-stacks.)
I'm against any variety of this suggestion.
Re: Lowest ELO allowed
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:58 am
by aRt)Y