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Postby Teshin » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:29 pm

Yep, I gameruined intentionally, to prove a point. I'm sorry about this - but I can't see no other way to prove that admins need to make changes in the ENT CF bot. I tried hard to make them change things - they didn't listen - now maybe (hopefully) they will. And btw, I lost more than 300 elo to desyncs/ruiners etc, on my 2 main accs, so don't cry too much - I even paused and wrote !draw 1000000 times, this guy shouldn't cry, I actually gave him the chance to draw - even though I was ruining to prove a point.

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Re: @wiland3

Postby nabo. » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:36 pm

So you will be banned once reported. np.
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