Mariah wrote:As stated before, too many people would be banned, as most ltd players do not draw.
I concur with Calthor's sentiments, but what if we made it more specific Mariah? Like when dropped players leave the game as 2v4 or even 1v4, 1v3 or the like?!
I understand that 3v4 happens quite often, is a grey area and would indeed see chaos if implemented. But there is the far less frequent and clearly much more unfair, skewed, scenario where one side loses multiple players in the early rounds, due to host d/cs that can create the above kind of scenarios...
So make the new rule something like, 'If a team has a 2-player or more advantage before Boss 10' or some such, then the etiquette of doing !draw should be followed, if instigated by the team who lost the players? Or something along those lines?
Again, 2v4 or 1v4 - doesn't happen so often, but when it does, it's entirely unfair and really more !draws should be encouraged in that scenario and a rule surrounding that would help alot!
Also, with your latter generalisation, that I
bolded - more and more know to do and do, do, these days through word of mouth and voluntary etiquette, usually lead by pros. About 60/40, if not more often than not, that etiquette followed, if on reasonable grounds - usually earlier round leavers/dcers. I've participated in dozens of successful draws, many of them more recent times, as more and more are aware of this etiquette. Such a formal rule surrounding more extreme circumstances of players dropping out, would only encourage this culture of fair play and discourage unfair play and also, apparently, some who seem to exploit lag outs, either unintentionally or via some kind of 'lag hacks', to get the easy ELO wins?
Further, the ones who don't draw in those 2v4, 1v4 scenarios - it's not out of ignorance from experience, but out of intention from players who DO know better - infact many newbs do play fair and DO follow !draw voting, especially if explained how to do so. So it's not down to noobism or ignorance in these scenarios, it's often just down to purposeful exploitation - especially if there is a player in there who is explaining how to, but they ignore them!