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Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:33 am
by jun
hello i wanna make a suggestion and that is about the elo system at legion td.i think u should change the amount of elo u take or lose at ltd according to the game.I mean somthing like when u play normal ltd a balanced match elo should like -10 +10, but when u play 1200+ -15 +15 or somthing like that u can adjust the amount but imo its not cool to be the same for obvious reasons )
Re: elo
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:11 pm
by aRt)Y
"Obvious reasons" such as?
Re: elo
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:17 pm
by Kokufu
I think what Jun means is that more experienced players should have more to lose/win in points than those who are lower in points since the people who are 1200+ are considered more experienced and those underneath 1200 are considered inexperienced.
I don't play LTD but I would not go for this suggestion because then some people might get 1200 and then lose 1 game and then go back down to 1985 and be upset over losing 15 points because they would have to play 2 additional games to get 1205 points. I mean, it does make it more competitive but I don't know, again I don't play LTD.
Re: elo
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:45 pm
by nabo.
Elo calculation will be consistent throughout all ENT bots. How much elo you may gain/lose is dependent on your team's elo avg vs the other team's elo avg. It has nothing to do with your number of games. You have the choice to play on ent18 or ent31. Each bot has their own differentiation.
One of the reasons people play ent31 over ent18 is to play higher quality games aka may be harder to win, not to gain more elo.
Re: elo
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:18 pm
by nabo.
@jun Topic re-opened as requested.
Re: elo
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:58 pm
by jun
So what i wanna say is that 1200+ games are a different game than normal, so should have tottaly different elo, but then the step up to 1200 couldn't exist(and i think thats a good thing that preventing noobs from joining and new account spam).So a different elo ammount should take place in these games so normal players think twice before they join.Its many times that a normal player ruins a game, or a game goes draw for only that reason.+ there is no balance when a 1600+ for exmple normal player joins a 1200+ cause 90% he is worse than a 1300 guy which is playing 1200+.I hope i made my point clear.
Re: elo
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:05 am
by SLSGuennter
I doubt a different elogain/-lose would have any influence on the joinbehaviour.
Re: elo
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:32 am
by jun
at least they ll have to play 2 games to gain the elo they lost at a 1200+ so it will have some influense as a matter of fact
Re: elo
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:01 pm
by RadiantCrystal
lol, they are just a player like you, why should they be treated differently?
Re: elo
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:32 pm
by jun
lol, when i said this rule should not apply to me?
Re: elo
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:33 pm
by RadiantCrystal
What I meant is they are just a player like you, why should you guys be treated any different.
Re: elo
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:01 am
by nabo.
@jun-ent18 vs ent31: fundamentally similar.
-1200 vs 1300: You may think they are different, but to me they are very similar in terms of skill in general. Your argument is subjective.
-ent18 players aka "normal players" should naturally be encouraged to join 1200 bot to maintain/increase ent31's activity.
-Elo calculation is consistent throughout all bots. Does not make sense to change how elo works on ent31. Rethink why certain players join ent31 instead of ent18.
-No matter what we do, there are game ruinners on all bots. The problem aint from us. People just need to be more considerate and respect others.