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DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:13 pm
by nabo.

In regards to this topic, enforcing gproxy to all users will probably be very difficult or impossible. But, I do want to encourage lihl players to install gproxy whether it works or not for its capabilities and presentation to others. Knowing that everyone has gproxy will lessen possible drama. Although gproxy should naturally be encouraged to install, I would like to give a bonus incentive.

Currently this is how DC penalty works:
4v4: +3 elo for 7 players, -21 elo dc penalty to dcer
3v3: +4 elo for 5 players, -20 elo dc penalty to dcer
2v2: +6 elo for 2 players, -18 elo dc penalty to dcer

The current idea is that each remaining player in the game recieves a partial elo from the dcer.

My proposal:
Note: Due to autobal, avg elo gain/loss is 15. Seems like elo loss range between 13-18. So, 18 or higher elo penalty is effective enough as dc penalty.

1) Extra -3 elo dc penalty for not having gproxy.
4v4: -21 if gproxy, -24 if no gproxy
3v3: -20 if gproxy, -23 if no gproxy
2v2: -18 if gproxy, -21 if no gproxy

2) For any game format: +3 elo for remaining players, -18 elo dc penalty to dcer if gproxy installed, -21 elo dc penalty if no gproxy (or -21 if gproxy and -24 if no gproxy)

So, elo gain for people's time and elo loss as dc penalty is flat rate.

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:23 pm
by KeeRo
i like this way, yes.

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:19 am
by BeepBoopBeep
ask uak, as he will have to change the tool right? obviously this way is better and will encourage players to use gproxy.

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:20 am
by V1rus
BeepBoopBeep wrote:ask uak, as he will have to change the tool right? obviously this way is better and will encourage players to use gproxy.

I am fine with it too if uak is willing to change it.

Another thing. We were applying dc pen (additional to ban's) for ragequit too lately. I think we should all do it consequently. Nothing deserves a dc pen more than a ragequit imo. (The players disconnects from the game aswell) Furthermore ragequitters deserve the elo loss even more than involountary dc's and the effect for the other players is the same.

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:50 am
by nabo.

Can you make a gproxy penalty and no gproxy penalty buttons for the dc tool?

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:19 am
by uakf.b
Can you make topic in confirm suggestion? This needs change to host bot and database to record whether players are using GProxy++ so it will take some time.

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:31 pm
by nabo.

I moved topic to suggestions.

You do not need to code it to detect gproxy. Mods can just check the game chat to see if gproxy was tiggered or not. Then, apply the gproxy or no gproxy penalty accordingly (just need two diff buttons or scroll option).

Also, please rename the tool as "DC and Leave tool" xd

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:08 am
by uakf.b
@nabo. ok try it now

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:39 pm
by nabo.

Workin great.

Would it be possible to make all penalties the same +/- though?

-18 +3, extra -3 without gproxy

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:10 am
by uakf.b
I don't understand what you mean by same +/-

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:19 am
by nabo.

I am asking if it is possible for the penalty elo for disconnector and gain elo for others can be same for any team format (2v2, 3v3, 4v4).

Re: DC penalty change proposal

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:12 am
by uakf.b
Ok, it is always -18 +3 with GProxy++ and -21 +3 without.