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Default mode addition

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:40 am
by Merex

I feel like Angel Arena Allstars should include a default mode:
-ar -r0 -life 200
Default mode for Angel Arena Allstars: -ar -r0 -life 200

Though, the life may be a bit much, these are just commonly known modes and should be made official. If -life won't be included, at-least -ar -r0 at the least.

Edit: To elaborate the modes, -ar (being all random ofc) and -r0 (creep respawn time at 0 seconds, which makes farming easier) and -life 200 (number of lives each time has, by having a lot = more farming time for higher items, godly heroes etc.) again, commonly known.

Re: Default mode addition

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:47 am
by Merex
@nabo. zzzzz

Re: Default mode addition

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:04 am
by nabo.

Are you seeing ruined games due to bad/gay mode?

Have not seen any report, so I am assuming reds are inputting playable modes.

What is your reason/cause for suggesting this?

Re: Default mode addition

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:39 am
by Merex
@nabo. I'd like for it to be made official. Most reds are commonly known to do -ar -r0 -life 200+ but sometimes they will activate others, maybe forget to put modes etc. and without the modes above under the rules, they are free to do that and the game simply won't be the same.

Re: Default mode addition

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:35 pm
by nabo.
There are other playable modes and I dont see people complaining about bad inputted modes, so I do not think an automode is needed.

I dont think AAA map has hcl too.

@uakf.b can you check?