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New ban reasons

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:04 pm
by Vendeta
I play on 1200+ bot, and there is a lot of players who flame. I admitt, i flame sometime too, when im losing game or something, but thats just so bad for game. I know, there is ignore option, but i think is very important to have team talk, that noone gets ignored. And i know that if u add flaming, distracting, swearing like a ban reason, the game would be better, and players would have more fun, like it was supposed to be in first place :)
Its just a suggestion, but i think its a good suggestion. :)

Re: New ban reasons

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:04 am
by nabo.
I do not understand your suggestion. Can you clearly state what you are suggesting?

We already ban players for flaming, but only cases where it is considered excessive.

Are you saying that we should label "Flaming" when we ban for flaming, so its more notable ?

Re: New ban reasons

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:45 pm
by Vendeta
Actually i think i have never seen someone gets banned for flaming, or such. In those ban requestes u guys just say "u have ignore". But how much i understand it, in ihl bad language and that sort of things its forbidden, so why dont spread good things, for fun game. Thats all i wanted to say.

Re: New ban reasons

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:55 pm
by aRt)Y
We promote the command usage of !ignore in public games due to its nature. Players on the internet are a bit trolly and tend to flame - especially in public games. Therefore, we recommend temporarily ignoring players. However, if said players are excessively insulting you without any reason, they are subject to warnings and 1-2 days ban.

Leagues on the other hand are something totally different. Players apply to play there because it has a higher standard. Vouched players are supposed to behave above pub-standard. Thus, flaming (aka childish and immature behavior) should not exist at all.

Flaming in general is a difficult topic though as it's one of the most subjectively interpret-able/judgmental rules there are.