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Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:59 pm
by DA-01
Many players would like to play apemso because there are many players who leave the game voluntarily without any exceptions and reasons why he / she / you / I left the game on the contrary I did not like not a matter of fact that losing a game but what morons do not have idea to read the bagpipes and to respect the rules in the game and follow the order of the forums really should be inserted apemso and host other bots dota bots only dota-ah

Description about modes, beetween apem & apemso

DotA APEM, Arem, sdem, rdem, is very different because the Apem intended for players who are regular and fair play and fair play and is not intended for any children under the age 8-10-12 years, more that I can not tolerate this violence and insolence
DotA apemso mode is designed for players of all ages, everyone is entitled to play what I like and what muse like apemso too easy to simply be used by switch-mode so when you play against one less or one more example of 5v5 + and then some moron comes out and then keep playing 5vs4 4vs5 4vs4 game with a leaver was totally destroyed and not effective and there is then the end
Thank you for your understanding and time


Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:06 pm
by Akkii
No need for this.

i say no.

Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:11 pm
by Crispz
I've seen this thread about this somewhere. If you're "copying & pasting" people's hard work please give them "credit" at least. & By the way not everyone is known as an "moron" when they leave so please keep your threads/posts friendly as possible for the Enterprise Community! Thanks

Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:38 pm
by DA-01
copy paste what? This I personally wrote what is wrong? no such a copy & paste It is invalid and incorrect.
I love this community but I disliked leavers/pluggers going on my nervs! I didn't say that I were copied Oo

Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:53 pm
by WoDota
APEMSO will mess up stats and w/l for people if the switch teams. This is going to be a big no since people like to keep there stats. This is why 99% of leagues do not have apemso

Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:44 am
by adventureclub
ive already stated the solution to this. Host your own game and make it apemso.

Apemso is really not dota at all because -ap isnt so you can just pick whatever you want in any game you want. Picks are strategic and also, it isn't a true game without a 5v5. Therefore no, autohost bots should not have switch on.

Re: Enable SWITCH - ON mode on dota's bots

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:21 am
by Crispz
Sorry but no one agrees to auto host with the command -so in our DotA games, HOWEVER you can always host your own -apemso, -rdemso, etc.. in your own hosted games; but stats won't count.