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New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:13 am
by FadingSuns
Hello Guys,

Due to the fact that I just experienced something that on my view should be illegal. I wanna propose a new Rule for LTD 1200+ bot to avoid a extremely way of clog that i consider against the game aim.

I have seen someone holding all lvls till 10 and then skip lvl 10, sell all towers, and end early. Since the map was tried to be fixed to avoid clog I think that it is not perfect and some additional rule needs to be added.

Since there is not limit value because there is no clog i wanna propose a rule:

"You cannot have less than 75% of the value that you had last round"

This way who started low can still be low all game, but is different than holding all lines until a determined moment and then sell 90% of your value to clog. I see really dangerous for the game that some people still plays with the "limit" of the rules/maps to try to get advantage of it. So please consider this suggestion because allowing this kind of things just make ppl not want to play anymore, it was not fun at all to see it happening. I can take a lose with not any problem, just this way makes the game rlly disgusting. For me its a way to break the map.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:29 am
by RadiantCrystal
Selling is already being banned, you can report them if you see this rule violation.

Also if clog does occur and alters game outcome, you can report as well since that is violating the rule as well.

Have a closer read:

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:30 am
by broud3r
FadingSuns wrote:Hello Guys,
I have seen someone holding all lvls till 10 and then skip lvl 10, sell all towers, and end early.

it seems you should watch the replay before making reports or those suggestions.
this player was dead after level 3 due to a mistake and had no chance to recover and leaked every round till the end of the game.
the only thing he could do to help the team was gathering lumber so he just went full suicide.
this makes this whole suggestion invalid.

the problem for your team was simple that you had no idea how to counter it.

edit: theres no rule about selling towers as far i see on the rule page. the only point might be "Refusing to build in attempt to teamkill" but as this was not the intention this rule dont take effect

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:30 am
by HazarDous
Exactly what broud3r said.

He did sell rest of his towers after 10 to push for more income as he would have barely killed 5-6 creeps on lvl 11 anyway. Never did he ruin the game.

In fact, he did the only thing he could have done to help his team. Not sure how that could qualify as bannable.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:34 am
by SLSGuennter
You can actually still win games by clogging (especially lvl 15). There is no rule against selling some towers and leak heavy, so demons need a long time until they start attacking the king, and you win the race ... Though you should be 100% sure its a race :D
Just in generall, didnt watch the replay.

In most cases its better to spam gnolls though, instead of selling towers.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:28 am
by matdas
i am throwing my support in for this rule implementation. Selling more units to leak more should be against the rules, allowing only 25% of your value for selling without rebuilding would be a good fix for this issue. It is not intended to be part of the game to sell your lane to leak...

edit: i'd rather them build dead value then do this....

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:16 pm
by nabo.
Whats so hard to counter against a suicider?

Allowing players to sell a % of value is too much for people to handle (da math). Also, it is hard for opposition players to realize the difference aside watching the replay after the game. So, it is best if the rules are worded so it is something that "the teammates" of the player in question are the ones that monitor and can judge during the game.

If the towers were more balanced overall, I would ban suicide strats, however since this is not the case, I believe allowing it is for the better. Currently, we ban only those who sell towers or suicide in an attempt to teamkill, not because they have no other ways to recover their value or due to terrible randomized rolls.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:12 pm
by matdas
Ok, then just allow king juggling for up to one minute. they sell to leak for time, why not let juggling for a minute for time.... same thing...

edit: theres a difference between suiciding and just selling for time.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:04 pm
by SLSGuennter
nabo. wrote:Whats so hard to counter against a suicider?

Its not about suiciders.
If you race lvl 15, and then after 14 you go to sell some units and therefor leak like 70units and enemy leak only 25 units, then the team with leaking MORE units has better chance to win the the team leaking only 25 units. Due to the heavy leak, the demons get slowed hard by clog (before reaching the mid-way to the king) and then they are kept getting slowed until they finaly attack. You can get enough time by this, to win a race while having 1 heal less and leaking a lot more creeps.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:29 pm
by nabo.
So in addition to refusing to build, you want us to include selling towers for " "?
Suggest phrasing.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:00 pm
by CreativeLP
Building below 50% of recommended value AFTER Level 10 should be bannable. Easy as this.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:03 pm
by Akitos
"Do not sell towers to increase leaks on a level you have sent."

This way people can still suicide and face the consequences of that.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:43 pm
by supersexyy
So people can still build dead value. Same shit

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:47 pm
by Akitos
supersexyy wrote:So people can still build dead value. Same shit

No it's not, because then they will make themself super vulnerable on the previous levels, and if they just build dead value at the level they're sending they will surely still leak less than they would if they'd be allowed to sell stuff. So no, it's not the same shit.

Re: New Rule for LTD 1200+

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:37 am
by supersexyy
No, it's not exactly the same, but introducing a rule that fixes a niche in the meta is over the top.