@sealmanThis poll is completly useless.
Flaming ban requests will be handled by moderators, and they are the ones who judge whether a flame is excessive.
I, personally, define ''Excessive'' in two ways.
1) Intensity
2) Longevity
Intensity: Basically anything that really doesn't have its place on our servers. Anything related to; Family insults/threats, Mental illnesses (minus the casual ''retard'' since it is rather common), Racism, etc..
Longevity: AKA harassement, spamming someone he's a noob for 10+ minutes would be a good example.
Here's another example;
You may report anything that you deem bannable, but the end of the day, it is the moderators who judge it case by case. We cannot really define specifically what flame is considered bannable.
What do you expect exactly?
1X ''nigger'' + 2X ''faggot'' = 1 day ban
5X ''noob'' + 3X ''retard'' = 2 days ban
4X ''idiot'' + 6X ''dumbass'' + 1X ''autist'' = 3 days ban?
Won't work. How it is atm is perfectly fine.