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Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:13 pm
by Queen_Kristen
You know... just have higher players teach lower players tips... etc etc... we should have an unranked training ent server. ftw. Form a committee dedicated to helping nubs L2P. Ill be on it as a start. thank you.
Edit: Also hold a sign up here, And ill post times when ill be on to teach people basics.
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:15 pm
by uakf.b
Well, you can host games using the public hosting system. An autohost bot seems like it wouldn't be the best system.
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:14 pm
by Chantry_nV
worst idea I've ever heard... IMO.
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:13 am
by Tascar
This is actually a good idea that unfortunately fails in practice.
I've coached thousands of Dota noobs/scrubs before and it is almost always useless. People don't get that learning Dota and getting good requires years of practice. They aren't willing to put in the work.
People just try to go get quick kills and feel better about themselves.
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:06 am
by NutzSucksHard
Tascar have almost it... The problem is the next. People doesn't want to play their main role.
For exemple, you're playing support, I will ask you to ward, he'll cry do it yourself. Well ok, this is already a lose.
You should alway start by supporting play and tank play. Then with practice (1-2 month) you can start picking some carry and work on your farm capacities, mapawreness etc.
Still, people are stubborn and don't care about dota that much. They play it for fun. After giving them bases, we can't do much, it's their own skill. It's like the hockey, everyone can learn how to skate and play hockey, still it's not everyone that get the skill to join the NHL.
This is why, if someone really wanna learn dota, they can ask it in dota section, I will get to them as soon as possible, helping them giving tips and if the need is there, I can alway host a game and try to help him through two three game. After that, he'll need to learn by himself by playing, trying build, trying things.
It's like a millionary guys, that tell you 'I will show you how to get these millions!'... Fuck that, the heck, wich rich man will show how to make this money? If thousand of people start doing the same thing, he'll lose this said money in the end. Rich = Being almost the only one with that money. If 500 000 person can get the million, you're not anymore rich, you're just a normal person. It's same with dota, you alway wanna be the best, you don't want someone learning all your trick and then rape you in the game...
The point is : we give you bases, you'll have to found how to get these millions.
Strategy section is there for it. Enjoy :3
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:05 am
by QTriNitY
Im on Europe Server now because Agreements is on it.
Come join us for games.
Free coaching sessions. Just pick any hero. We will win games for you
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:34 pm
by NutzSucksHard
I can create a 'smurf' on europe and let's do training to some people
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:55 am
by Tascar
I think the major problem that would stop WILLING players from getting better is that they do not know HOW.
You jump into dota you see 1000 choices whether it be heroes, items, even which side you play on (disadvantage to play on scourge). What's the best choice to make? What should I be doing? Who should I be picking? Even if you sat down and read the correct information (among 1,000,000 false ones) it would still take you several months which then would take years of practice.
People aren't willing to put in the (very hard work) so they try to "get better" by being flashy, aka getting kills instead of learning the game.
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:44 pm
by QTriNitY
Let's play, Nutz, Agreements? I'm on Euro net, clan ENT channel.
For fun
Re: Hold games to teach players how to play DOTA
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:29 am
by teller55
Host up a public game with our Public Hosting service:
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1054Then you can host a game an call it: DotA for Newbs! I'll teach you! or something.