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Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:39 am
by chris2smitty
!sd (Playername) only be available to players once in-game to stop stacking. Many games these days are stacked and make for poor gaming experiences by some players. Results in alot of rages etc...
Just a suggestion

Re: !SD

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:47 am
by Dong
what is " !SD " ? i am a little curious, and to what type of game are you referring to my friend ? :)


Re: !SD

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:23 am
by chris2smitty
Should of said, When checking stats of dota in lobby @dong

Re: !SD

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:06 pm
by nabo.

But, you are ok with !score ?

Or, you think this should be removed as well and only be available during the game?

What if people want to see who they are playing with? Considering we do not have a match making system or elo bracket bots, wouldnt it be fair for people to know who they are playing with/against?

Lastly, people can still check elo/stats via the forum web.

Re: !SD

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:54 pm
by chris2smitty
I think it should only be available in-game. If you regularly play dota, you will see that many games are stacked to one side having better players. Sure they can check stats via the forum, but whilst waiting to join a game, most players leave or swap team to make one side more better players
Just my opinion anyhow

Re: !SD

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:09 pm
by nabo.
I am honestly indifferent about this.

There have been several similar discussions in the past.

I do think that "stacking" could be potentially reduced, but not completely removed, by disabling stats checking in lobby. Some would be too lazy to check forums and if the game fills fast or if you are the last 1-2 person to join, it will be less likely to check ppl's stats.

One problem: I doubt we will disable checking stats by whispering clan.enterprise. So, this suggestion may not have much of an impact, unless we remove this feature as well.

From another stance, everyone has the right to know who they are playing with. Since there is no matchmaking system, none would know the rating of another. Although pub games are meant to be more randomized, people may complain.

Re: !SD

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:09 am
by chris2smitty

Thats pretty much what im meaning. And i only play pub games. I dont know, over the last few years as a casual dota player you can see the change, its becoming less fun to play as a casual player. The stacking is almost in every game, whether your on a better team, or worse. Even an easy win is not fun. It would be good for it to be disabled for pub games IMO. Worst you could do is a Poll, or a trial :D see how it goes. Back in the first days of dota there were no stat checkers in the lobby :)

Re: !SD

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:22 pm
by Jabba41
Well, i started with DotA ... have like 35 games so far and i really suck especially as on ENT are quite good players and dota is such an old game and i never played before.
So many people avoid me. I dont really care about this. I had the same with LTD back then when i started it, like 2 or 3 years ago. I was on 600 ELO, so people avoided it to be in a team with me. But i still managed it to recover. When i'm in a lobby with someone who looks quite bad i just try to communicate with them before the game starts... A game which is lost with a bad teammate who tries his best and is communicative is still a good game in most cases. I played with people who have 1200 or more elo in dota who were just doing things on there own and when they wrote something it was just flame.

I like to teach new people in LTD sometimes, but i also avoid people with 10/40 stats or something because often it just ruins the game.
The players should get a impression of whom they're about to play with and see if it's likely that they have to "babysit" certain teamates.
@nabo. You played with me and RadiantCrystal once xD I think you know what i mean with that.

Bad players can reset their stats if they feel like they're not given a chance because they always play against stackers or get avoided by higher ranked players.

The skill level in DotA goes from Jabba41 (noobish) up to pretty good players as there is no thing like a 1200+ bot, like we have in LTD.

So long story short: Keep it like it is

Re: !SD

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:45 pm
by nabo.

Based on internal discussion between staff members, we have concluded to deny your suggestion.