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Postby TheFallenone » Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:19 am

My friend is from Korea and he play on m16 server. is it possible to add m16 server to pvpgn list to connect to ENT Bots?
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Re: M16

Postby nabo. » Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:44 pm


Moved topic to suggestion.

Do provide more background m16 server.
For what purpose you requestting this?
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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:39 am

nabo. wrote:@thefallenone

Moved topic to suggestion.

Do provide more background m16 server.
For what purpose you requestting this?

Well a lot of people play on this server korean friends and I think would be nice addition because most of korean players play on this server.

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Re: M16

Postby nabo. » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:25 am

Is there some website for info?
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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:05 am

nabo. wrote:Is there some website for info?


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Re: M16

Postby wTc[JediMaster] » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:33 am

Would it not be easyer just to play on the real wc3 with the basic 4 servers or make an acc on ENTconect? Since if he wanna play on ent thats abit easyer. If he wanna play on Private korean server thats where he/they should stay no?

No offence just thinks its odd that people play a game when they dont even have the game xD
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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:36 am

wTc[JediMaster] wrote:Would it not be easyer just to play on the real wc3 with the basic 4 servers or make an acc on ENTconect? Since if he wanna play on ent thats abit easyer. If he wanna play on Private korean server thats where he/they should stay no?

No offence just thinks its odd that people play a game when they dont even have the game xD

The problem is that we want to play together and Since I'm unable to connect to their servers we are unable to play.

If he wanna play on Private korean server thats where he/they should stay no?

I think that's pretty racist of what you're trying to imply. Lots of europeans and other private servers play on ENT It's not necessarily just official servers.

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Re: M16

Postby Stealer » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:23 pm

Not too sure how race matters in his comment since it's entirely about how you're on a private server. But hey the word 'Korean' was mentioned so let's start insulting!
I'll break it down in case you still didn't get it. He's saying because you're on a private server shouldn't it stay private? If you want to play with a ton of other people; pay on the public ones (I.e. Blizzard).

Are the people running it ok with ent bots joining? Afaik there's been problems with euro.battlenet deleting bot accounts.

Lobsterboy will need to fill out

# bnet3_server = server.eurobattle.net
# bnet3_custom_war3version = 23
# bnet3_custom_exeversion = 184 0 22 1
# bnet3_custom_exeversionhash = 219 152 153 144
# bnet3_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

1001?04?uswest.battle.net?8?Lordaeron(U.S. West)?useast.battle.net?6?Azeroth(U.S. East)?asia.battle.net?-9?Kalimdor(Asia)?europe.battle.net?-1?Northrend(Europe)?w3l.ggu.la?-9?M16 Online ??

w3l.ggu.la looks like the servers address

Lonsterboy can probably deduce the other info from your war3 version number. So what Warcraft version number is your wc3?

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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:28 pm

Last edited by TheFallenone on Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:31 pm

[quote="Stealer"]Not too sure how race matters in his comment since it's entirely about how you're on a private server. But hey the word 'Korean' was mentioned so let's start insulting!
I'll break it down in case you still didn't get it. He's saying because you're on a private server shouldn't it stay private? If you want to play with a ton of other people; pay on the public ones (I.e. Blizzard).

Why pay for public servers when it's entirely free on private servers.

Are the people running it ok with ent bots joining? Afaik there's been problems with euro.battlenet deleting bot accounts.

This server don't delete bot accounts.

Lobsterboy will need to fill out

# bnet3_server = server.eurobattle.net
# bnet3_custom_war3version = 23
# bnet3_custom_exeversion = 184 0 22 1
# bnet3_custom_exeversionhash = 219 152 153 144
# bnet3_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

1001?04?uswest.battle.net?8?Lordaeron(U.S. West)?useast.battle.net?6?Azeroth(U.S. East)?asia.battle.net?-9?Kalimdor(Asia)?europe.battle.net?-1?Northrend(Europe)?w3l.ggu.la?-9?M16 Online ??

w3l.ggu.la looks like the servers address

Lonsterboy can probably deduce the other info from your war3 version number. So what Warcraft version number is your wc3?


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Re: M16

Postby nabo. » Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:12 pm

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Re: M16

Postby Moshadius95 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:51 pm

Stealer wrote:Not too sure how race matters in his comment since it's entirely about how you're on a private server. But hey the word 'Korean' was mentioned so let's start insulting!
I'll break it down in case you still didn't get it. He's saying because you're on a private server shouldn't it stay private? If you want to play with a ton of other people; pay on the public ones (I.e. Blizzard).

Are the people running it ok with ent bots joining? Afaik there's been problems with euro.battlenet deleting bot accounts.

I don't think saying people who play on a private server should stay private is a good argument. Because if that is the case, eurobattle.net and all other private servers should be removed aswell.

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Re: M16

Postby TheFallenone » Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:50 am

Moshadius95 wrote:
Stealer wrote:Not too sure how race matters in his comment since it's entirely about how you're on a private server. But hey the word 'Korean' was mentioned so let's start insulting!
I'll break it down in case you still didn't get it. He's saying because you're on a private server shouldn't it stay private? If you want to play with a ton of other people; pay on the public ones (I.e. Blizzard).

Are the people running it ok with ent bots joining? Afaik there's been problems with euro.battlenet deleting bot accounts.

I don't think saying people who play on a private server should stay private is a good argument. Because if that is the case, eurobattle.net and all other private servers should be removed aswell.


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Re: M16

Postby wTc[JediMaster] » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:06 am

@TheFallenone (adding the @ rather then the stuff I play makes people see the reply)
as for what you said, Ye the problem you are haveing with that I understand thats why you try to solve it here so GJ on that,
The 2nd part is just wrong It's more about beeing "fair" I play with anyone that join the games played with and vs koreans and russians and other "rare" people from across the goble so it's not that I Diss the people themself just how they do it, So let me explain it like this:

Lets say we are all playing pokémon, ok nice that makes us Kin. But when the dude playing pokémon yellow comes up to you and wanna link with your ruby (for example) there will be some problems since it's the same game yes but not really the same.
another thats way easyer to understand I think is here on wc3, Lets say we play on BNet, But I play on RoC and you on tFT No matter if we are on the same server channel and clan our games prevents us from joining the same games hosted right? thats why you never see Roc bots on tft and tft bots on Roc since it's the same but at the same time it's not.

+ as I said up there If he chose to play on a "PRIVATE" server thats the thing he chose we did not kick him out of wc3/BNet/ENT server, he just chose another path to go, So the "problem" is more with him then on us IMO.

BUT this is an easy fix the way you are trying to do now with mergeing the servers (makeing a connection). Hope this explains abit more my view on this. Anyway hope it works out for you if not you might be able to buy some CD-keys for him ;)

@Stealer Yes thanks seems you understood my meaning :)
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Re: M16

Postby aRt)Y » Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:28 pm

Will be awaiting uak's implementation.
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