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Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:58 am
by Carry Me Pls
can you guys reduce it to a 5 person requirement? there's no fun when most of games are stacked
Re: Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:01 am
by nabo.
Why should be 5 when there are 5 more others?
"Most" seems better choice than "majority"
Re: Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:32 am
by Carry Me Pls
why consider the other 5 when they already go to scourge to avoid low elo teammates? tbh i never saw anyone use !votebalance knowing stack team wont even care... most games i play are on 1-5/20+, near 15/15 games are have a chance of 1/100 of showing up. the word stackers wont even be invented if all games are 15/15
Re: Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:25 am
by matdas
Carry Me Pls wrote:why consider the other 5 when they already go to scourge to avoid low elo teammates? tbh i never saw anyone use !votebalance knowing stack team wont even care... most games i play are on 1-5/20+, near 15/15 games are have a chance of 1/100 of showing up. the word stackers wont even be invented if all games are 15/15
This isn't true at all. I've had a full team of 5 friends in a lobby on one team. when the lobby was 9/10 all 5 of us votebalanced. It was the others who would refuse to balance. It isn't always the higher elo's fault. (Then again, we did it because we got tired of 5m forfeits). My friends and I are willing to try and balance games, it isn't always as you seem to make it out in games.
However, I do agree that 100% vote needing to be passed is to much. I believe it should be reduced to 80% for passing.
Re: Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:21 pm
by F-Train
I think we should lower the requirement on regular dota as well. !votebalance is almost never passed and stacked games are no fun. Currently it is 75%-80%. reduce it to ~62.5 - 75% maybe.
Re: Reduce person requirement for !votebalance on LoD
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:14 pm
by nabo.
Currently 75% rounded-up votes are needed.
7/8 8/10 seems decent.
Do understand that conditions are as such and it is meant to be that there wouldnt be many autobal games unless many want autobal games to be played.