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Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:41 pm
by cyberpunk
Rule to the bot ent35.
Merce is a builder to help new players, there's no new players on ent35.. so should have a rule [i]No Merce[/url] on this bot?
If you agree vote yes if you don't vote no.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:44 pm
by bit
this should be added without any poll asap.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:47 pm
by supersexyy
Agreed with bit. We were playing HR, all good, smooth. Then some players decided to merc (because they got owned on lvl 1) and that was it, noone wanted to play HR any more.
A few noobs shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:03 pm
by cyberpunk
we can't make a decision based in few opinions.
let the community speak for themselves

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:07 pm
by bit
cyberpunk wrote:we can't make a decision based in few opinions.
let the community speak for themselves

first u creating "merc QQ" threads, then this. people complains about mercing alot, and i can't see a single reason to allow test race in competitive games

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:24 am
by xMilena
I have no problem with mercs in normal games (unless the other team double mercs when you are already a player short, that sucks!), but sometimes merc is necessary to survive when you have a leaver or two on your team and the other side wont draw, but in HR games everyone usually plays pretty fair and upholds agreements to !draw if someone disconnects, and almost all the time there are verbal agreements (which are normally followed) to nobody mercing on either team in HR anyways. Soo because of this I definitely support having no mercs in high ranked games (good practice for tourny as well!). Plus high ranked players should know how to recover from a bad start as it is anyhow.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:02 am
by cyberpunk
bit wrote:first u creating "merc QQ" threads, then this. people complains about mercing alot, and i can't see a single reason to allow test race in competitive games
When you become a moderator you must open your eyes to all kind of player. So think about the difference between both threads and probably you'll be a good admin.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:33 am
by BeepBoopBeep
There is an unwritten rule for me in HR, it being no merc and if somebody DC's we draw. There has been a couple games where somebody DC's and we all draw.. this goes for merc as well i have only been in 1 game in HR where somebody went merc and it was drawn once he swapped.

There is a lot of respect among players in HR.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:37 pm
by iightfyre
Thanks for the post -

I agree with Beep, I have played over 100 games on the HR bot and we have only seen someone try to merc one time. This game was immediately voted a !draw by both teams. There is a lot of respect in the HR community and fair play has been adhered to virtually every game.

Here is the "basic" agreements that we use when the most "active" HR players are in an HR game. I suggest that these agreements be upheld during every HR game.

1. No Merc
2. No LI mode
3. Always Team Play
4. No Flaming
5. No TKs or QQ quitting
6. !draw game for legitimate DCs and TKs
7. Always HAVE FUN!

I have only seen 1 or 2 occurances when any of these agreements have been broken, result was a !draw immediately by both teams.

The HR community is fantastic and a lot of fun to play with. Thank you all for keeping the community pure!

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:58 pm
by HateLose
I agree with everyone above. No Merc!!! LTD HR games are supposed to consist of pros. You need to be able to deal/cope with your faults and re-build from it. Merc switching is no excuse for any pro player. I love LTD HR for the players and mutual respect of the game.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:00 pm
by NutzSucksHard
Legion as much more mature player then in dota. So for this maturity, do not let merc being played look like acting as a kid. I know the race is broken. Still, like you all said, people !draw at the moment someone go merc in HR. I like that attitude.

I think we should let the community handle this by being mature and not always have to be babysited by mod. We're here to ban rule breaker and answer to question. To start changing way a game can be played is... wrong. It's like banning a hero in dota cause he's broken... We wouldn't finish sir.

In pub, like other said, let people do whatever they want. If you play HR, you should take criticism, respect, play your role and don't try to take the others one if you're not enough good. Playing as a team. !draw when there's the need of. Like if someone DC and all the other team want to play (4v3) don't draw. But if the team with the dcing dude want a draw, people should understand and join next game after !draw.

I like to see our community, even if it's legion, being such mature people. Keep going like this. This is the kind of game I want to enjoy and see. IN HR.

For me it's a no. Honestly :3

P.S: If it is abused, necessary, and that we have no other option then go... But it look ok for now.

*Note* : Don't kill me Cyber for posting in legion T_T

EDIT : Saw the scores. I guess it will be implemented.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:05 pm
by supersexyy
Nutz you don't play legion and have no idea what you're talking about.

The only reason why legion HR works is because of this 'honour code'. We shouldn't need to rely on this 'honour code' for HR to work, it should set in the rules. Comparing Dota to LTD is stupid because Dota is balanced and LTD is not.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:26 pm
by cyberpunk
iightfyre wrote:2. No LI mode
Why it should be a rule? oO

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:32 pm
by karasu.
I'm not exactly a pro at legion TD but I know enough to consider myself somewhat knowledgeable. There are zero new players on legion td HR bots as others have said so it makes sense for no Merce.

Re: Rule No Merce to HR

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:03 pm
by bit
cyberpunk wrote:
iightfyre wrote:2. No LI mode
Why it should be a rule? oO

because it prolongs the game and ruins whole point of early game, which is balancing between getting wisps and getting value, also ruins things like lvl 1 warrior strategy