rule change regarding dodging.

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rule change regarding dodging.

Postby heni » Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:43 pm

I was banned for dodging two days ago. Before that, i did not even know what dodging is and why it is a huge offense. Now that i know, I have been told that, i have to stay 2 weeks away before re appealing again. With all due respect, understanding how grave an offense dodging is, why should i stay away for 2 weeks? What benefit would it bring to the users or to me.
I suggest that, after the one who is banned for dodging has red all the rules...and has been verified by the moderators that, the user has been banned for the very first time with the reason of dodging (showing signs that, he really was not aware he was dodging) he should get unbanned with the condition of: If he gets banned with the reason of dodging again he would get a 3-months up to 1 year ban.

In this way, the ones who are new to ENT would feel more familiar and at a safer environment.

Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.

Thank you!

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Re: rule change regarding dodging.

Postby nabo. » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:50 pm


You are supposed to have READ the rules before you play or at least have read the rules if you played x y amounts of games.

Rules are derived from common sense, so dodging a ban on purpose kind of speaks for itself: you knew it was wrong. If you dodged unintentionally through technical natural changes which had no action involved from you, we will probably move on with just a verbal warning and after you fully understand our rules.

As for your suggestion itself, the things an appealer says and do varies greatly by case, so not all moderation results can be same. There will be variations based on moderator's opinion and review of the case. This is why we often judge brqs and appeals case by case.

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