Island Defense Rules

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Island Defense Rules

Postby aRt)Y » Wed May 08, 2013 8:15 pm

Island Defense Rules

Reasons to temporarily ban or kick a player:
If player is not punished in-game, then we can enforce a time ban.

  • AFK builder/titan that ruins the game.
  • Placing your main builder in a place that is not nukable by titan.
  • Loud stacking (worker stacking with the loud error sounds) or worker stacking in an unnukable spot in a base.
  • Intentional stalling a losing game as titan and wasting everyone's time for more than 5 mins. The titan can be kicked if he does not kill a builder in 20 minutes time, and if 50% of the builders alive agree to having the titan kicked (not ban-able, just kick-able).
    [spoiler=]Stalling is defined as titan and minions not being able to win or no chance of killing any builders of they just played really safe.[/spoiler]
  • Intentional feeding without 60% of the other players' consensus (applies to titan intentionally feeding builders gold).
  • Refusing to leave base after being asked by owner.
  • Item stealing.
    [spoiler=]If the player gave no contribution (Trapper = Damage dealer > unit blocker > slow/stunner > unit revealer (vision + eye of ocean)) to killing the chicken and/or minion, then he should not deserve the item and can be banned if they take it and doesn't return the item to the player upon request of the item owner. For items that don't concern chickens or minions, the item belongs to the player who bought the item, except in the case of the titan whereas the titan owns his minions, and can -kick colour at any time of the game.[/spoiler]
  • Intentional abusing of pause/resumes and/or save game.
  • Intentional suiciding that negatively affects the game (unless to deny feed or the game is blatantly over and no builders want to take over titan).
  • Intentional blocking that negatively affects player(s) game experience.
  • Any form of glitch abuse that negatively affects the game.
  • Team killing (denying feed acceptable).
  • Leaver titan in the first 10 minutes of game (time must be noted from when titan spawns (GP timer starts)).
    [spoiler=]Leaving as titan late in the countdown causing the game to glitch and start without a titan is bannable.[/spoiler]
  • Player enables game modes -ar (1 day ban) -rd (2 day ban) -br (3 day ban) -gc (1 day ban) froff(3 day ban) -exp/dxp (3 day ban) without 60% of other players' consensus.
  • Multi-boxing
  • Use of Macros that significantly alters the game-play of the player.
  • Stackable time bans for repeat offenses of any of the above.

Refer to [General rules] for more information on bans and kicks.

:arrow: Note: Item jumping, titan mass-jumping and wall walking are not punishable by ban.

Miscellaneous Rules:
  • Titan may leave the game under the condition that 3 or more builders have left the game or became observers as a builder in the first 10 minutes. He can also leave early if there is no basers left (Builders that have already died to the titan are not counted).
  • Gathering consensus in the lobby chat is not recorded, so it is still bannable if you do not have proof of lobby chat, unless an ID staff member confirms that 60% consensus was gathered via the lobby chat.
  • :!: If a player pings a seed and/or a base it does NOT mean they have the rights to that seed and/or base. The first unit that has the ability to build (includes any builder/summoner, excludes nature's workers) to the seed and/or base has the rights to it. Tk'ing will result in a time ban.

[spoiler=]Original source: ... nse-rules/
It may be taken into consideration BGN's general rules and guidelines:

If there're any rules which are already covered, please post them. If there are rules listed for which you don't ban, please notify me about them.[/spoiler]
Last edited by aRt)Y on Fri May 17, 2013 7:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby cyberpunk » Wed May 08, 2013 11:16 pm

Some rules are included in the general rules
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby uakf.b » Sat May 11, 2013 1:18 am

  • Abusing the !votekick command (not ban-able, just kick-able).
  • Admitting to the use of illegal software or WC3 add-ons.
  • Ghosting (Revealing 2 or more unknown information (locations, items & directions) to the opposite team stackable. Ban length increases by every leaked information).
  • Admin impersonation
  • Any use of a hack. (MH, TradeHack) (Valid evidence and proof required)
  • Repeat offences of game ruining. (Valid evidence and proof required)
These are already included in the game rules.

Stackable time bans for repeat offenses of any of the above.

The duration for the ban is up to the moderator who processes it, it's a given that repeat offenders will be banned for longer durations, so this is unnecessary.

Everything else looks good though.
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby cyberpunk » Sat May 11, 2013 5:27 pm

Reasons to mute a player:
  • Spamming
  • Flaming, trolling, raging, racist & bigoted comments
NOTE: Auto-mute system installed

Isn't it for all games? oO
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby uakf.b » Thu May 16, 2013 11:56 pm

Bump @art)y
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby Haunt » Fri May 17, 2013 6:12 am

Even when it's up to moderator to decide how long the ban in certain situation is, I'd like to have some sort of guidelines of how long bans for certain things should be.

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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby cyberpunk » Fri May 17, 2013 7:40 am

Withered wrote:I'd like to have some sort of guidelines of how long bans for certain things should be.
@Withered give the time ban according to the ban history, plus the number of games and avg stay rate.
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby aRt)Y » Fri May 17, 2013 7:51 pm

uakf.b wrote:Bump @art)y

Haven't seen your post, sorry. Edited the post.

@withered: ENT doesn't have a strict amount of days for certain rule violations. This would be a part of the PM either timmy or I would send the ID mods in the future.

Anyway, take the BGN ban duration as a template and reduce it by 2-3 days. Titan leavers should be 1 day or less but we need timmy to decide on that.
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Re: Island Defense Rules

Postby uakf.b » Mon May 20, 2013 12:45 am

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