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Island Defense

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:21 pm
by clickhead
I've recently noticed that there a fair few members of the ID community that are playing solely to gain elo. I know it's unlikely, but what if you were to have a second bot hosting Island Defense games, that doesn't bother keeping track of elo or win/loss ratios so that people can actually have fun games. I'm so tired of people ending games in less than 10 minutes "because titan is noob" or it's a pro that just wants to do some pub stomping for their own ego, and I'm fairly certain that there are a significant number of others that would appreciate this purely because it would stop the competitiveness.
Naturally the usual rules would still have to apply, such as no team killing and suicides, feeding or throwing games. But at least that way people might be able to learn without being made to feel bad/nooby, and it might encourage the community to grow.

Re: Island Defense

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:53 am
by Sethy
Not sure about your argument of a decent titan pub stomping a lobby. If their elo is high enough compared to the builder avg they'll gain significantly less, and the builders will barely lose anything. There's always a risk.

Re: Island Defense

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:26 am
by Merex
ID is already thin as it is in it's population, making a 2nd bot for the sole reason to ''have better games'' is quite useless. If you want a better game, organize a game with ENT's IDIHL or even a BTI IH.

Won't happen anyways. People have tried to suggest a 2nd bot since ID 4.0 came out, has been declined and this line of reasoning won't suggest any better.

Re: Island Defense

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:06 am
by RadiantCrystal
Looking at the game stats it does not appear to be high enough for a dedicated 2nd hosting bot for ID. If you want to play for fun you can always host the game through our hosting service with no elo involved.