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About votebalance
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:02 am
by Lucifer
Dunno if this goes under the expertise of you guys,
but I've wondered a lot about the !votebalance command.
The issue is that I am an NWU addict, and the !votebalance command literally never came to use. (only like twice, when the command got implemented)
You see, the necessary amount of votes is just too huge to get a balanced game.
Even tho the command still isn't perfect, I wanted to ask if the amount can be lowered to about 5-6 votes.
This is also because the game is most enjoyable with 10 people, but it needs like....8-9 votes of these?
I don't know how it is in another games, but I really miss the possibility in NWU to start some games through !votebalance.
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:55 am
by Homicide
Ohhh, yea. Nice suggestion, it's funnier with the balance ^^.
Btw what alt do you use lately, cause I haven't seen you on your real account for some time
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:55 pm
by Lucifer
@Homicide Lol different ones. Meruem or Co[B]rA) for example
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:45 pm
by Lucifer
Please consider it guys
Would be very nice of you.
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:06 pm
by HazarDous
I don't really like the way ENT71 has evolved. Every game is completly stacked, and if you decide do dodge a game (because you're with noobs), you basically log off because waiting for that lobby to start and then the next one to start is just way too long (+/- 1 hour).
I don't feel like the way we play atm is helping us grow the player base as new players play with noobs, get trashed by ''pros'' and just quit on trying.
I would like to see more opinions from the community,
@Lucifer @HomicideEDIT: Added bot announcement.
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:03 am
by Lucifer
Totally correct.
That's why i suggest this.
Making it easier to balance games, I hope players won't quit so quickly.
It's my personal interest to make the games more fair and square and more entertaining, instead of stacked and unbalanced.
I hope some Admins here would like to tell their opinions on this case.
Thank you guys!
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:33 pm
by frankshotsauce
Its a good idea and I think that he best number of people should be at 6 so that way you have at least all of one side and one other person on the opposing side who agrees with it. Otherwise you could get a group of trolls who continually come in as a team of five and shuffle around all game. This is a good suggestion and would help out the community or at least whats left of it.
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:38 am
by wTc[JediMaster]
Unsure what map NWU is, (checked: ahh Naturo wars) tho I would agree on that the % needed for it to "kick in" is kinda high (mostly play cf (3v3) so think it needs like 4/6 or 5/6 so unless you play with friends and with people you dont know haveing the balance based on elo/ratio would be nice so that the elo change for the games is more closer to 15/15 then as normal when 1 team seems to get 1250+ and the other 900 then it's like 5/25 and thats not really fun since the "lower" team is probably gonig to lose anyway and if they win the punishment for the other team is too high takes like 10 games to "get back" the lost elo from 1 game.
also if the !votebalance is not preferable maybe add !sp (shuffle players) 2-3 times be4 the start of the game when the count down starts? an alternative way that makes the teams random tho can end up messy. even more so if you wanted to play with friends and you did not "get to choose".
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:17 am
by HolyBear
I also think it should require 6 votes, it's too high atm!
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:26 am
by Lucifer
Could this please go through?
Otherwise tell me your concerns.
I think 5-6 votes is the perfect amount, but then the votebalance should be fixed. (atm everyone gets rated with 1k elo)
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:08 pm
by Volrin
Good initiative Lucifer xd
5-6 votes is enough amount xd
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 6:35 pm
by Lons
I agree with the 5-6 number of votes. As far as the 3-4 people who would refuse to vote, that's essentially whoever is trying to "stack"/play with friends (whatever). Naturally they're not going to vote, so there is no need for such a high vote count to initiate the balance..Idk, there isn't much more to say about it, can we expect change soon?
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:26 pm
by HazarDous
Approved. While I believe balanced games can help NWU community, u guys will need to push for it to happen once it has been implemented. 8/10 was just too much considering many people are afk in lobbies (long waiting time).
@Uakf.b When you have time, reduce !votebalance requirements from 8/10 to 6/10 on ENT71 (NWU)
Will probably also have to fix the ELO settings, as we do not see everyone's ELO when we do !scores. (Everyone has 1k)
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:16 pm
by Troll_Hunter
this may work for whatever nwu is but Legion is only 8 people. instead how about a registery if to many come in with less than(lets just call it) 800 elo or 0(zero) games played, and AUTO blanace should come into effect. example
west: elo scores 1200, 1200, 750, 775
east: elo scores 800, 800, 950 1000(zero games)
in this case it should AUTO balance itself. keeps it fair and even. additionally, i think elo stats should be based on stay percentage as well as wins and losses.
Re: About votebalance
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:23 pm
by HazarDous
@Troll_HunterOpen a new suggestion if you've got ideas, this is specifically regarding NWU.
However, if you do have ideas, try to keep them simple as uakf.b doesn't have time to implement difficult systems imo.