Hey there,
couldn't agree more to the words Kwaak and Host said.
One can always argue about balancing or "being best", but what makes MT really good is the interaction between heroes, and therefore between the team.
Even the best ppl might lose a game against "only average" ppl, due to having a bad hero-combination, therefore not being able to inflict any real (aoe)dmg. Which might sound like a "hard to get into"-thing is actually only a trivial matter, since the available heroes are shown in different sections of the starting-area, so one can (even without any knowledge) see the different types of them (tank, rounded, spellcaster, support), and from the first minute on try to play with and for the team by taking a hero-type which was not taken yet.
Due to a good overall-balancing of the heroes, all heroes got their own good and bad sites from beginning, over middle to endgame. Some heroes might start of rly strong, others have their golden moments in middle-game, some are the best in late-game, but overall every hero can be usefull in it's own way and even more usefull at the right part of the game. "Wanna start of rly strong at the beginning? go sniper and 1hit anything for half of the game.. but beware endgame, when you get your problems"... ""Wanna be ok-overall but help your mates push easily through middle-game in order to make your tank's middlegame easy - go pick arcane mistress and show monsters how cold it can get, and even later being usefull by casting an extra defense buff!". Once you get the hang of it you can go for combinations of all 3-4 Herotypes, together with a combination of "atleast 1x good in early/middle/endgame" - teamwork at it's finest, even for a beginner.
It might take a bit to understand the basics of items, but after a few games of "watch->copy->try for oneself" one understands how to get through a match. Especially since there aren't an overflowing number of items, one get's the hang of it pretty fast. Since there are only a handfull of recipes to combine items (which too are shown with 1 click - no scrolling through anything, not even a real need to remember it when you are new, since you can look for it in less than 10secs) even without further knowledge one will get the idea of "yeah... maybe that one cool axe to combine and that one cool sword ARE what i need as a physical hitter"... or "yeah, i'm a caster.. there is one recipe for a staff... i go for it!" - one does not need to overthink things too much - the map's there and you can just play it!
Also, due to the different types of heroes and there different golden times ingame, there's enough to try out and enjoy for a long time.
No need to learn thousands of things - after having the basics rdy, it's all good.
Experience will sharpen an idea for tactics - that's when it gets tough: but that challenge only applies to those who already like the map and play it often enough to think about actually using tactics, so it's therefore balanced aswell: be new and have fun with an easy-to-learn model, or be an advanced person and get into tactics to have challenging matches.
Commands ingame too aren't an overflowing number, so it's easy to new ppl to get the idea behind "-z.far" to zoom out, "-tips" to disable tips or "-range X" to set the range your hero will run to in order to auto-attack.
Comparing all this to other enfos, atleast for me they always lacked atleast a bit on several points - one does not even need to speak about several unofficial enfos, like enfos ts:dynamo etc.... no balance at all in any way.
So overall, i rly thank you for considering hosting MT!
Let's hope - if done so - ppl will still come together and enjoy themselves.
About Slots/autostart/votestart:
It should be atleast 4vs4, since 3vs3 often ends in a 2vs3 and therefore ruining the game.
If one leaves or drops in a 4vs4 it's still uneven - but 4vs3 is much more balanced, since it's still a chance to use a tanking, a casting and a supporting hero, therefore having a working team.
5vs5 for those fullhouse-lovers too is lovely, if only not for certain times when one won't get more than like 6ppl.
So a !votestart-function will be good, in order to start the map earlier.
Autostart might get problematic, if the map could start at a balance of 5vs3, when it autostarts at 8, so that too would need to be set to 10, as long as it does not cause problems with the votestart (i am not familiar with this
--> basicly, if there's a !votestart, 10 open slots (5vs5) sounds totally fine.
might even be the best way to start, so having 2 new ppl and 3 already advanced ones can teach them, or if those 2 wanna play for themselves still
try to win with only the 3 of them.
About Matchmaking (?)
I'm unfamiliar with that too, but from what i heard, several maps have a feature to show a rating of ppl, and therefore a chance to win.
From what i heard this causes the problem of ppl leaving the map, since they won't have a 90% chance to win.
A Map like enfo in it's balanced way too should be about balance and fun - so having a shown rating which actually makes ppl try to stack on purpose (not only by reason they know each other) would hurt.
Even more, if it ends in ppl leaving all over, due to not being satisfied with the chance to win, which ends in a never-starting game, where "everyone just enters and leaves" all over.
But that's just from what i heard and personal thinkings.
TL DR: - good balancing
- easy to learn
- votestart on a 10 slot opened game (5vs5), to make smaller games possible too
- thx for considering
: )