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Cross Building

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:05 pm
Can we extend the ban on cross building from the 1200 ELO+ to all legion TD games.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that cross-building is exclusively a results oriented strategy and offers nothing to the game.

Getting the "if you don't wanna play against cross builders go play 1200+ elo" is really the poor excuse for allowing this to go on.

I just want to enjoy playing a game of legion without getting 300 wood of sends on level 3 then 500 wood of sends on level 5.

Re: Cross Building

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 4:05 am
by cantwakeup
i support this. cross is incredibly OP and it's unfun to lose to a weaker team only because they crossed, well knowing that you easily would beat them in a 1200+ rule set. however i find myself crossing when i want to get a free win, or relax and eat food while building wisps.
Also, cross does take a different skill/strategy than solo build, a better player can pull off a more successful cross than a noobie player. Unfortunately a noobie player's cross will be better than a pro players solo build 8 times out of 10. The team without a cross will almost always be at a disadvantage.

Re: Cross Building

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:32 am
by Akitos
I don't see a reason to why we should do this tbh. If you wanna play without cross come to the 1,2k+ bot, simple. Many players like to play cross, and would quit the game if you'd entirely remove it. So yeah, why not just go on 1,2k+ if you have troubles with it? I don't see the point here tbh.

"I just want to enjoy playing a game of legion without getting 300 wood of sends on level 3 then 500 wood of sends on level 5." happens in solo aswell lol.

Re: Cross Building

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:50 pm
by Jabba41
Moved to suggestion.

Re: Cross Building

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:53 pm
by Jabba41
Many players enjoy to cross and wouldnt like it if we remove it.

crossing brings diversity into the game aswell. And its possible to counter nearly all cross, sometimes its hard indeed. But you can get outrolled in 1200+ aswell.

If you dont want to play against/with cross builds just play on the 1200+ bot.

And as akitos said: You can get this heavy sends on solo plays too, sometimes you even have harder sends on 4 solos then on cross builders, as 4 guys can go early push.

This suggestion is denied.