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Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:27 am
by KrQlle
Hello Enterprise

Been playing Elves vs. Trolls a lot on your servers lately, and I could not help noticing that destroying your house for therefore immediately build a tent and upg, also called house glitch, is bannable on your server.

However, being two, shareing one stone using the -gu command, and pool each other is a hell of a lot faster, but isn't bannable.

My suggestion is to remove the ban option on people using the house glitch, which is probably fair when all Elves knows not to feed the troll, but that's not realistic. :)

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:50 am
by wTc[JediMaster]
@KrQlle Troll and Elves*.
ENT got thier own server? you probably mean bot :P
Server ≠ Bot, they are not the same things. not sure how people keep mixing these together xD

I can agree that the house glitch is not that hardcore to be bannable, gives a minor boost in start but that mostly dont matter since in start people are moveing around to thier bases anyway so have a minor boost there aint really more unfair then anything else that might get you more gold. Like the dead Elfs pooling you gold.

The -gg /-gl is just teamwork but -gu as you say is a workaround the foodcap and "requierd buildings" and there for should prob be removed from the map, as this if done well gives a major boost vs the Troll & other elves. haveing unlimited max tier repair bots and other things that -gu can be used for :P

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:39 pm
by KrQlle
Thanks for the respond @wTc[JediMaster]

If you have any control over the bots, then now seem as a good time as any, to experiement with other versions of the game. :)

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:39 pm
by wTc[JediMaster]
I dont, not directly anyway. I got as mutch control as anyone on the forum, suggesting something hopeing for suport and then aproval from the management. So this topic is a good way to influence things :)
Humm you mean like the X4 version or some "older"/"newer" versions?

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:30 pm
by Merex
I don't see why the house glitch should be allowed on ENT. The boost is more than just ''small'. If you do it correctly, you will jump ahead of everyone and therefor claim certain purchases in the later houses that others will still be waiting to get following that the house glitch in particular is defying the natural flow of gameplay within the map by granting a +2g when everyone is +1 and a +3 when everyone is +2.

If you've suggesting to make the -gu teamwork method ban-able, we'll need reasons as to why ENT should enforce that.

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:36 pm
by wTc[JediMaster]
@Av1oN Well if you view the house boost as a "major offence" then the -gu abouse is some steps higher.
It kinda falls under 2nd acc to pool.
Wiki - "Do not multibox. Using two computers/two accounts to be in one (and the same) game as one human being is not allowed."
Not really the same but tooclose and as said jumping over the Food Cap is kinda unfair, for example if some player in dota had 2 heroes when all others only have 1, that would break the game kinda big time. IMO

PS. Also checked the T&E rules and it is there
"Do not exceed the food cap with -gu." + "but you must not build or do anything else." and useing -gu for this is a workaround.
So why not just add abit more key buildings aswell, like fortress. Towers is kinda the only thing that falls under "teamwork" IMO
Anyway seems most of it is in the rules but abit unclear and open for interpretation.

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:38 am
by aRt)Y
@Av1oN Your call.

Re: Elves vs. Trolls

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:03 am
by Merex
This suggestions purpose was for the removal of the house glitch which at this time, ENT will not be granting.

Given that this thread also speaks of this -gu teamwork method + that OP has yet to make any further responses, I will ask that you make a separate suggestion for that and provide reasons/occurrences and such and perhaps ENT could consider.