EntIsBad91 wrote:How does filtering out game ruiners,intentional feeders and laggers not qualify? what exactly qualifies for lobby kicking lol
The only use I see for using vote kick in lobby is to get rid of that guy who just
purposely ruined the game before. Yes, I had to clarify the intention, as game ruining can be extremely suggestive. We believe that such cases should be judged by moderators through ban request forum, and not by players in lobby as it would lead to an extremely bad environment for noob and new players.
We had vote kick in lobby enabled in the past. The main reasons we removed it is because it was prone to abuse, it was a waste of administrative resources, and most of all, it was against our noob / new players friendly values.
Yes there might be a few benefits for having vote kick enabled in lobbies, but the pros vs. consequences are hugely in favour of keeping it disabled. Your suggestion is denied.