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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:10 am
by gondar_master
hi, my name is Mladen aka Gondar_master(dont ask i was young when i took this nick) anyway me and one other public players Smakka constantly host WarOfTHeLostKingdoms+ and there IS PLAYERS. but problem is map is not online all time so we cant add more and more players to it. anyway since it have some of player base it will be awesome if 1 map could be autohosted all time. votestart allowed after 5 players and autostart at 12. if u wanna add it to autohost maps :D ty for reading. excepting a replay *(hope for positive one xD )

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:12 am
by gondar_master
just saw autohost sugestion format... gona repost folowing it

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:17 am
by gondar_master
Link to map (or load code if it's on the public hosting bot): koiv8
Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): 12 slots
Number of players until autostart: 12 (votestart avaible after 5 players)
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: force Conquest mode if u can. cus it allow players to play after being defeated(main problem u wait 30 min and on normal mode u get forced to leave since u died in min 2)
Why the map should be autohosted:many players want it to play and no similar map is autohosted

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:57 am
by wTc[JediMaster]
I partly agree, Its a nice map and I've seen it beeing played more resently. Tho IDK if getting a bot for it is a good idea, cuz it works good without and also without an Direct host rules for the map will be needed. and mostly easyer to allow the people ingame and/or host to do that then getting a mass of people agree on "1 type of game mode"

add to the format: Autostart should be on 6 insteed of 5 posible 10 if bigger scale so maybe 2 bots 1 smaller and 1 bigger?
Problems, well some hirelings you can get is just OP so a rework of the map or rule vs this is needed.
some kind of -ally limit is needed aswell, Teams of 2/3 mostly works best on this map tho have seen bigger teams but mostly it's teams of 2 no matter if it's 4-6-12 players ingame. FFA works aswell ofc. so here again we maybe need 2 bots the smaller for FFA and bigger for teams maybe?

Why, well as said Im torn here but I still like the idea just that there is abit more work around it IMO to make rules and so on rather then just autohost it on a bot. So Yes I agree that it would probably get players since alota people have been starting to play it now again BUT rules will be needed, and maybe 2 types of modes/bots. If mode (6 player FFA) & (12 players teams of 2/3) can be made as an ingame lobby cmd maybe by first joiner or vote 2 bots would not be needed.

So I Vote YES if some rules are made around how the games will be played.

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:39 am
by gondar_master
Conquest mode eliminate ALLY command.
only way to be allies is to be defeated and ur bases are in ur control but u be a "vassal"
that stop mass ally at start at least.
Also for start i disagree for 2 bot tupe. lets first build a base of players playing 1 map, forced on Conquest mode, so they dont have to leave a game as soon as they loose.. many players just got scared away since they die constantly at start and game just say YOU LOST QUIT GAME! this way we can conquest and make more and more people familiar with game and even more inporntat make em familiar how lategame can be trilling and exciting expirience. when game start to be one of more played on bot and i see potential to be, then we can add more bots like ffa and team's, 70% of players didnt knew what conquest mode is and when they tryed it out they liked it. so basicaly its not problem to make ppl to vote in Conquest in my games. i agree its fun also to play ffa and normal but we need to have big enough player base to do such harsh mode (imagine u re in lobby 30 min and u lost game while playing 1st time in 2 min,it can be totaly repeling and discuarguing to try map again(thinking process of that player:'MAAAN I WAITED 30 MIN TO START AND NOW I MUST LEAVE F*** THIS SH** NEVER AGAIN PLAY THIS MAP)) basicaly i would volounteeer to make rulles and be admin to this map if no one have a time to spare. since i rly wanna see this map going live
also got some rulles to share.
1 Forbiden to kill ur Lord(conquest mode when ur vassal kill ur survivor forcing entire color of team from game(not cool and should not be possible)
2 Insulting on any kind of reason is strictly forbiden. punishemt mute for 48hrs
3 Publicly anouncing other player locations at start is resulted in mute for 48hrs
4 all players who participaded im allying more than 3 allyParty get ban 1h next 2h then 24h as last of it...
5 intentionaly camping for longer than 5 min in front of some base with huge army so u can feed on spawned units and exit a base and continue to camp for next spawn therefore reducing other player gameplay to dooing nothing is not fair.
6 keepinng score of wins (vassals to count as win so people dont ruin Lord,s game by dooing something like this(u ruined my score now i ruin ur)
7 abusing votekick to kick player who is ultrastrong (12hrs ban)
8 ANY ADMIN WHO ABUSE HIS RANK GET 1week ban if prooven that he was abusing power(with great power comes great responsability)
9 Have FUN!

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:44 pm
by gondar_master
got it, i stand corected. so what will be with this request? :D can we see this map hosted? :D

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:34 am
by HazarDous
If you want this map to be auto hosted, we will need to see support for it from the community.

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:59 am
by TinSoldier
hey war of the lost kingdoms is one of my fave customs! would love to see an actively used autohosted map. !support

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:56 am
by givecake
This is a good idea, while it's popular, it would be great to see this autohosted. !support

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:53 am
by Stiff_Maistar
Its a good custom map and ill support it.
Tho i dont know if it will meet the criteria in how many players that would need to play it for it to acctually be autohosted.

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:21 pm
by gondar_master
:D support Coming :D

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:19 pm
by wTc[JediMaster]
@Stiff_Maistar Well that is a lose number, there is several ENT bots that rarely start :P

@HazarDous There is suport for this, if the majority is here on ENT's forum I think not. But IMO it's more about HOW rather then IF ENT should host it.
cuz if you can it's a good idea but are some problems around how the map is played that needs to be worked out.

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:32 am
by gondar_master
so basicaly what is to be done and who is gona do it?
i can try atleast

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:58 am
by aRt)Y
gondar_master wrote:1 Forbiden to kill ur Lord(conquest mode when ur vassal kill ur survivor forcing entire color of team from game(not cool and should not be possible)
Covered by general rules: team-killing
2 Insulting on any kind of reason is strictly forbiden. punishemt mute for 48hrs
Covered by general rules: flaming
3 Publicly anouncing other player locations at start is resulted in mute for 48hrs
Covered by general rules: ghosting
4 all players who participaded im allying more than 3 allyParty get ban 1h next 2h then 24h as last of it...
This would need a specific rule.
5 intentionaly camping for longer than 5 min in front of some base with huge army so u can feed on spawned units and exit a base and continue to camp for next spawn therefore reducing other player gameplay to dooing nothing is not fair.
This would need a specific rule. Probably similar to Island Defense's stalling rule.
6 keepinng score of wins (vassals to count as win so people dont ruin Lord,s game by dooing something like this(u ruined my score now i ruin ur)
Probably covered by general rules: game ruin
7 abusing votekick to kick player who is ultrastrong (12hrs ban)
Covered by general rules.
8 ANY ADMIN WHO ABUSE HIS RANK GET 1week ban if prooven that he was abusing power(with great power comes great responsability)

Which autostart number would you recommend? Is there a HCL bot command for the mode you suggested?

Re: WarOfTheLostKingdoms

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:38 am
by FalenGa
I would totally support and play this map more often, if it was auto hosted by ENT.

Our rules would make it much for fun and fair, without the possibility of getting kicked because you killed the host ( happens a lot in private games ).

I just have to disagree with rule 5.
Camping outside of a base is a strategy. I know it's not really fun when you are the person who has to defend that base, but there are things you can do to counter it.
It's like making a rule for dota that would say : Do not feed on weaker players.