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[LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:52 pm
by Uryn
In the last weeks I've seen more and more players who were antistucking the creepwave and sends all the time.
Especially in cross which already is pretty strong compared to 4x solo building it happens pretty often that sends get antistucked to remove the waypoints with the intention to make the sends run directly to king and hold the 2nd wave without sends a lot easier.
In my opinion this is pretty lame and my suggestion is to add a rule like:
Do not use antistuck on creeps and sends unless they are actually stuck.
Like this you can still use antistuck to catch leaks which many players like about the mega bot, but the possibilities to abuse it would be a bit lower.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:56 pm
by RadiantCrystal
Antistucking creeps does not necessarily give the person advantage, it might in some cases but sometimes in might end on opposite.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:05 pm
by Uryn
Ok, I don't know what it exactly does on creeps.
The main reason I posted this is the antistucking of sends in cross. And to hear some input about this.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:57 am
by SirSilence
Uryn wrote:In my opinion this is pretty lame and my suggestion is to add a rule like:
Do not use antistuck on creeps and sends unless they are actually stuck.
Like this you can still use antistuck to catch leaks which many players like about the mega bot, but the possibilities to abuse it would be a bit lower.
this is an awesome idea i hope they take it into consideration at least.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:45 am
by Jabba41
I would like to see the rule changed like this aswell. People who antistuck the sendings on the 2nd cross line make them run away n like 90% of the cases (depening on units in cross ofc) which gives them a super big advantage. You cant kill a cross who AS on 15, its just not possible as the demon and kraken from the 2nd line usually runs away.
By using AS you get a lot stronger on most waves, if you build properly for it.
And on top of this its annoying when people constantly AS their creeps because of the message that appears.
Do not use antistuck on creeps and sends unless they are actually stuck.
This would make the games on Mega a lot fairer when it comes to solo vs cross builds, which is still already quite hard to win in mst cases.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:41 pm
by Mercy
I think that we should allow it in most cases, but not allow it on the crossed lane- using it on the solo lane is hard to impact since it only impacts for a few seconds at most.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:22 pm
by HazarDous
If anti-stuck does prevent demon and/or kraken from the second wave to attack towers, then it should obviously be banned.
As for the anti-stucking on creeps, we've already had this
suggestion. If you wish to discuss it again, post a separate topic.
Back to the crossing issue, propose a rule, please.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:11 pm
by Uryn
Antistuck can prevent creeps and any send from attacking the cross towers if done right, I would add:
Antistuck cannot be used on the second wave in cross unless creeps or sends are actually stuck.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:35 am
by Mercy
Uryn wrote:Antistuck can prevent creeps and any send from attacking the cross towers if done right, I would add:
Antistuck cannot be used on the second wave in cross unless creeps or sends are actually stuck.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:28 pm
by HazarDous
Will be added decided on October 11, once other rule suggestion topic is determined.
Although, I would like for it to be specified that anti-stuck should not be used in an attempt to prevent sends from attacking towers.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:54 pm
by HazarDous
Antistuck (LTD Mega)
Must be used on your stuck units.
Cannot be used on opponent team.
Cannot be used to kill-steal your teammate. (Using anti-stuck on units in the middle is allowed.)
Cannot be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king.
Cannot be used on creeps and sends that are attacking the king.
Cannot be used in an attempt to make sends go directly to the king by avoiding towers in a cross.
To be added on Saturday. Thanks for the input.
Re: [LTD] Change Antistuck Rule on Mega Bot?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:34 pm
by HazarDous
Has been added to the wiki.