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Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:02 pm
by aRt)Y
As after every tournament, we are open for positive and negative feedback. Help us to improve the future tournaments by sharing your opinion!

I'll start. - Compared to our last tournament feedback round, we improved:
  • the bots
  • the servers
  • rules
  • teams came!
Since ENT didn't get ddosed this time, we could use the ENT public hosting system.
Based on the IPs, I've checked the rough origin and scheduled the games with servers which have the lowest ping for both sides - luckily, almost all came from Europe, so that wasn't such a big deal.

This time I also randomed who started and as which team (mouse/cat) to avoid confusion/stalling lobby time.

To my biggest surprise, all teams who signed up also showed up to play :)
Despite the lack of players in some teams, the teams could still manage to play their group games (thanks for that!).

However, something to improve on my side:
  • proper tournament system for 4,6,8 and 5 and 7 teams
  • more mods to help (and host games)

On the players' side:
  • Read all the information we post! If you've questions, ask before. Do not be surprised why you've to play as cat or mouse if you haven't read the detailed schedule sheet given to you.
  • Do not spam the chat. It's hard to keep the overview with 15+ users on chat if you either spam or post unnecessary content
  • Do not falme ingame ;)

That's about all I can currently think of. Give feedback whether you liked it or not. Was the ping fine?
Something you missed/would have done differently? Etc.

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:38 pm
by BloodyGuY
See this as a feedback.

aRt)Y wrote:Teams will have 5 minutes to join the game, if the team doesn't show up within 5 minutes the opponent get a free win.
From my point of view, this wasn't followed. Maybe this was due to the lack of mods involved.

aRt)Y wrote:Only registered players can play. *Reserved slot must be registered to play.*
Neither was this followed, as several teams searched for new pub players during the tournament.

aRt)Y wrote:Due to the maximum amount of 12 players, the Tom and Jerry map does not support observers/referee through the map configuration, thus I want the captains to tell me who won.
Someone could've gone cat slot and simply not pick a cat. Or the editor could've deleted one slot from the game so you could fit an observer/referee, since for what I understand he was involved in the tournament.

Earlier release of the schedule sheet. It should've been released directly after signup have closed.

Ping was fine, I had below 20ms during the whole tournament.

I would also like to thank ENT for hosting this tournament, along with every player that participated, gg welp.

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:41 pm
by aRt)Y
Rules are general guidelines the users have to follow.

The captains who have to join the ENT chat were registered - so that part was fine.
And why should we disqualify players because they've trouble joining the game? The tournament is not aimed to make users rich but to have some fun.

And in the end, not the users have to enforce the rules but the mods hosting the tournament. Your constant useless quoting of rules was completely inappropriate.

Concerning the sheet, I planned to release it earlier but simply forgot about it because I was busy with other things.
Simple skype message would have solved that.

Thank you for your feedback anyway.

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:49 pm
by Tom and Jerry
aRt)Y wrote:Rules are general guidelines the users have to follow.

The captains who have to join the ENT chat were registered - so that part was fine.
And why should we disqualify players because they've trouble joining the game? The tournament is not aimed to make users rich but to have some fun.

And in the end, not the users have to enforce the rules but the mods hosting the tournament. Your constant useless quoting of rules was completely inappropriate.

Concerning the sheet, I planned to release it earlier but simply forgot about it because I was busy with other things.
Simple skype message would have solved that.

Thank you for your feedback anyway.

All users was registrated not only captains, i told every player to register, like arty says that part is fine.

Second, arty i agree with you , we shoudnt disqualify players because they've trouble joining the game. It is not their fault and some of them are kids, and ofc fun is most important not money.

For the observers, like this guy told; admin can join cats and just dont pick cat. I wanted to suggest this, but captains can tell, this is not problem.

In my option tournament was good, when we started it was little messy becouse lack of mods. So i suggest more mods in organization next time, you will always have players that dont read tournament information and someone must explain them + it will be faster with more mods hosting games. ;)

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:18 am
by jew
Maphack check should be done.

Team Serenity soft sand definitely mh--0:6 fogclick +
(04:02 / Allied) soft_sand: they built altar
(04:09 / Allied) soft_sand: xiong mao lai le...
never had vision, and said that they team spider sense made a panda (imo they really have spider sense) ... 693945.w3g

in the thir game
(04:20 / Allied) soft_sand: ying xiong kuai lai le
panda is coming
(again no vision op)

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:27 pm
by Klinux
At all it was fine.

In my opinion there were some parts that have to be changed:

More time beetween game. Means, if you played 1 game vs one then you have instantly to join the second and third one. There you can´t really compare how to do it better---

Secónd Thing. The Third game COIN TOSS:
It was not really fair - because the coin toss was thrown already the day before. We had 2x third game. In BOTH games, we tossed CATS yesterday. Cats are more harder to Play and we would have won, if we were Mices.

Third: After a while we were only 3 Mice Player. Ist a hard Advantage for the cats. Because u really have to have 4 Mices for map control. Ist important to get 4 Corners controlled from Mices.
It would be nice, to take from another Team a Player to the incomplete Team. Because Arty said the most important Thing is fun.

I really had no fun. In all games expect the first 2 u were flamed and insulted. The word "noob" doesn´t mean a Player is bad. It actually means the Player is a beginner, but it´s used as an invective.

If you lose games, you get mader and mader, because in the Garena Clan or per pm in Garena you get instuletd or annoyed.

For my opinion Tournament should always be counted with Points, and the winner Team is the one with the most Points.
You get Points for playing good, and not JUST for winning.

Fourth Thing: Do a "PlayPlan". Dont tell the captains the date to Play 5 minutes before. I usually thought u do it like doing a extra thread for the Plan, when to Play. If you know when you have to Play, then you can Plan your reallife better. I usally wanted to go to Cinema yesterday or the day before yesterday but... Nevermind :P

Sorry for my bad English.

At all it was fine. Not the best fun but at all some :P

LG Dominik

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:29 pm
by aRt)Y
Well, to be honest, that's not something we can solve.

You had a lot of time (for the next tournament you'll even have more time) to organize players and standins.
Have you ever seen a legit tournament with players from the opposite team joining yours to play? I doubt.

Coin toss is coin toss - regardless when it was tossed. Only because you watch it, it won't get you an advantage.

Concerning the schedule plan, I'll try to make one for the next time. This time I wasn't sure how long each game/group games would be played, so I couldn't make a reliable calculation.

About your plan to go to the cinema.. you knew about the tournament 2 weeks ago, no comment to that.

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:07 pm
by Pongu
Thank you art)y for your work

Re: Feedback!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:50 pm
by LiMiePewPew
Dis Arty is the best.
thanks :D