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Why do people play like this

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:01 pm
by EdgeOfChaos I was tiny

> start game, flame team before it even begins

(00:27 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: !SCORES
(00:39 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: YOU'RE GRASH TEAL AND DG
(00:42 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: TRASH
(00:44 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: COMPLETE TRASH
(00:48 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: loner you noob fuck
(00:54 / Allied) Eyes_Of_Fury: you better not fuck this shit up again

> act better than your team the entire team, telling All chat like he thinks we care

(22:16 / All) Eyes_Of_Fury: tiny thinking he's good cause he can own kids with autism

> afk for 10 minutes in fountain before the game is even over
> end 1/3/1, having done nothing the whole game
> get banned

Yeah I know it's a 5 elo game, etc, I'm just this showing this cancerous play.
Watch this replay for maximum cringe

Re: Why do people play like this

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:19 pm
by Zeratul
I got something better than you :D

Code: Select all

(19:56 / All) TheH$$: SDK two letters MH u know it
(20:04 / All) TheH$$: very well
(20:15 / All) TheH$$: fuck u criminal
(20:27 / All) TheH$$: steal for a living aswell?
(20:36 / All) TheH$$: huh
(20:49 / All) TheH$$: mother a prostitute/ father a pimp?

I've heard a lot of stuff (hacker, faggot mh, mh, etc.), but criminal was the first time :lol: :lol: :lol: