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Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:54 pm
by kunkka fekuall12 guy's flaming is so funny

Every time I killed him he goes like:
(13:07 / All) fekuall12: fucking dirty cunts
(30:49 / All) fekuall12: fuck u fuckjng mother fucking cunt
(35:01 / All) fekuall12: FUCK U LINA CUNT
(38:23 / All) fekuall12: FUCK U FUCKING BUNT
(38:29 / All) fekuall12: WHY WLAYSS ME U FUCKING CUNTHOLE
(38:47 / All) fekuall12: FUCK U LINA CUNT
(39:11 / All) fekuall12: eat shit fucking american dipshit
(41:39 / All) fekuall12: FUCK U SHITCUNT
(41:41 / All) Kunkka: RAGE BB
(41:46 / All) fekuall12: NO FUCKING SHIT DIPSHIT
(51:36 / All) fekuall12: FUCK OFF
(55:33 / All) fekuall12: eat my fucking ass
(55:35 / All) fekuall12: shitcunt
Also lago, as a 6-10 doom pickre who went dagon then battlefury, he said:
(54:35 / All) Lago: u fucking apem noobs
(54:54 / All) Lago: umasturbating now?
(54:58 / All) Lago: weekend soldiers
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:35 pm
by Edgeofchaos
Maybe it's the same person who plays from Unknown connection always? I don't think he has a main.
Also "eatshit'ndie" is master_pain.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:45 pm
by kunkka
Edgeofchaos wrote:Maybe it's the same person who plays from Unknown connection always? I don't think he has a main.
Also "eatshit'ndie" is master_pain.
(49:10 / Allied) Kunkka: r u masterpain?
(49:18 / Allied) eatshit'ndie: ya
(49:27 / Allied) eatshit'ndie: play new accts now
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:46 pm
by Edgeofchaos
Heh didn't see that. Recognized him by the gameplay. Very strange, he got bored of his main after 8,000 games. And even after so many games he has a lot to learn.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:48 pm
by kunkka
Edgeofchaos wrote:Heh didn't see that. Recognized him by the gameplay. Very strange, he got bored of his main after 8,000 games. And even after so many games he has a lot to learn.
What a nice way to say he sucks cock
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:12 pm
by Edgeofchaos
Honestly skill-wise, I don't think MP is that bad. He typically plays an acceptable Jakiro, for ENT games.
However... he brings teams down with his flaming. And even worse he flames for no reason whatsoever. You can be playing normally and suddenly MP is calling you an asshole and trying to ff. Flaming enemies is one thing, but flaming your own teammates is just going to make everyone play worse and have a higher chance of losing. Ideally you should only flame teammates after the game is decided.
I'd still take him over many of the players on ENT these days. Like holy shit man, sometimes games on this server are really good but there are some LOW lows.
Gz on the highscore lina. Not sure I've seen higher than 32.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:34 pm
by kunkka
Yea "asshole" sounds like him. I still take masterpain over a lot of other kids too. At least he casts his skills XD
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:25 pm
by Astros
master_pain's jakiro is honestly not that bad. Sadly, he gets triggered easily and that's when he starts doing some funky things.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:30 pm
by xSAINTx1
bro, get MP in ur lane and u win game. He never goes for cs. He is selfless for his carry. Only harasses enemy. Throw in a "good work" or "nice one" MP every once in a while, and the dude is practically ur ward bitch for the game. EZ elo
proof --->
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:31 pm
by Sylvanas
Edgeofchaos wrote:Heh didn't see that. Recognized him by the gameplay. Very strange, he got bored of his main after 8,000 games. And even after so many games he has a lot to learn.
lol, big deal, he's probably the first jakiro picker you've seen in weeks. I mean, I only checked the link and my immediate thought after seeing jakiro's icon was "masterpain", and I haven't even played with him and probably never will. Masterpain is the official jakiro guy. He earned it.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:52 pm
by Edgeofchaos
There are other people who play Jakiro, I played with a pretty good one a few days ago.
Master pain's signature items are blademail and veil first. A strange and questionable item choice, but one he sticks by nonetheless.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:47 am
by Sylvanas
Wrong. Anyone who joins apem and picks jakiro on purpose is instantly possessed by the spirit of masterpain, for it is that very spirit who compelled them to do such a deed. MP invented the concept of being able to become anyone you want and always choosing jakiro for some reason.
Re: Anyone knows these guys: fekuall12? Or lago?
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:19 am
by divinerape
They definitely are not me, im way better than those noobs