Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

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Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:44 pm

This is not me that made it, but still I found it clear enough to not make an other one :




Hard stun

Magic DPS

Physical DPS



Circle Traps

Mana Burn






*Take note that trying to purge a repelled hero with linkins will dispel the linkins but not the repel

P.S : For invis hero, Slithreen Net and Chrono make invis hero visible too.

Disclaimer : All these tips, guide and help I'm giving, and I suppose dennis too, are only here to help, it's not a way to play or forced to get this way. It's only there to maybe show a thing or two that you missed or didn't realise. For new player, this is just thing you should ''know'' basicaly, then by your experience of the game, you will get your own trick, build etc.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby VirusHunter » Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:10 am

im surprised you dont have bm for any of your counters lol
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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:25 am

Counter egal neutralise or reduce. Blademail doesn't counter, it just get it back in your face. You will see that all the stuff I've put is to minimize dommage taken or just get away the dommage. Like sheep get away the offender from casting/attacking. Blademail stop neither, it just return dommage.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:47 am

I put also, the most specific.. Do you know the time of setting all image one by one... Like poor's man shield, stout shield.. Hell, you know where I want to go in the end -.-

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:54 am

T.T stun mean stun, a bash is a bash yo -.-

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby Nz.Death » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:13 am

NutzSucksHard wrote:P.S : For invis hero, Slithreen Net and Chrono make invis hero visible too.

So does bats napalm !!!

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:50 pm

agreements wrote:And bash is a ministun :)
Ministun can be passive from MkB/Snipe passive etc. They're made to cancel channeling like tp, shackle skill/ult. A stun his a stun.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby VirusHunter » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:49 pm

bm is great counter to dps. like say drow. she has low hp generally and hits mad fast. so if u can get her to stop attacking for 5 seconds cuz she'll kill herself before killing you then i would consider that a counter.
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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby NutzSucksHard » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:36 am

Halberd is the counter to it. Not Blademail. She can hit someone else that doesn't blademail, so indeed, you ''don't'' stop her from attacking especially. BKB counter bladmeail, if she have it indeed, she counter your useless weapon that cost you over 2k gold for... Nothing, ofc, if there's many hero that aim you, you're tank, this is a usefull item, but as a counter? It counter magic AND physical... But you still get full dommage of it. So if you have 700 hp and pop blademail, and drow have 1.1 k hp, she win. You guys have so much low experience over dota (as I can see, agreement just wanna bother me ahah). Don't comment if you have half thinked about it before. Please.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby thomas.kacz » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:20 pm

bfury, mjolinir, maelstorm are some items that can anti-push because they get rid of creeps fast.

you should also add an extra section for items that counters illusions/summons.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby VirusHunter » Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:39 pm

no she wont win because you forget to think that if she has 1.1 hp and you have 700 you still have your own attacks on top of the bm. its a good counter. halberd is also good and bkb also counters halberd. so either way its good items.
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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby Bubblestorms » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:45 am

best item to counter everything is dagon, some one comes in your face, you just hit him with dagon and dead, or hurt a lot, plus I believe a low hp drow is easy to pwn with dagon, since it is kind of normal for them to carry mom which leaves them more vulnerable to attacks, stun 2 hits and dagon = dead :P

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby Fangorn » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:43 am

Didn't see this topic until now, but here goes. I didn't read all the spamreplies, but I caught up on the trax argue. I'll add what I find to be correct.

- Force staff - force the stunned unit away
- Linkens sphere - blocks target spells
- Blademail - effective against projectilebased stuns, as you got time to active the blademail. This item nullifies the stun, as the enemy will have a hard time deciding whether or not to attack you (semicarry or carryitem, build it with hp and str items)

Hard stun:
- BKB. Not sure what is meant by "hard stun", if it is meant that abyssal active stun hits "harder" than a storm bolt or whatnot. If there are hardstunners on the enemy side, you get bkb. If they have abyssal on top of that, you might consider linken if they focus the abyssal on you. (abyssal goes through bkb for those who didn't know) + a hell lot of other target spells, like dismember, lasso, fiends grip, roar.
- If by "hard stun" you mean phycal ministuns like snipers passive, then you can solve this by butter and manta. Summon illusions, then you target one of your illus away, hence the sniper will target the running illusion, thinking it is the real "you".

Magic DPS:
- Force staff. An ally get locked down, and you force him away. This item will solve alot in terms of countering magic DPS.
- BKB. The obvious choice if you are facing alot of magic DPS.

- Buriza. This item is the king of epic comebacks. All you need are some critluck and you'll be able to turn the tides.

- Morphlings duplicate and shadow demons banish. Turn that burn against them

- On this subject it seems like you have suddenly turned around on the main topic itself, listing items that are great to push with, not to counter pushes. Countering pushes is usually made by teamplay and positioning. Not getting picked off is key here. We need to divide this subject into two points: splitpushes and 5-man pushes.
- Splitpushes (assuming it is done effectively by a furion, brood, zet, pit etc): BLINK DAGGER. Yes, the best way to deal with splitpushers is by aiming directly for them, don't stand behind the creepwave and idle. Blink dagger and mobility-heroes like Qop, storm, potm, magina etc are the way to handle rat dota.
- 5-man pushes: Again, not so much about items, your positioning is the key. In pubs, typicall if either team decides to go 5-man, there always has to be a classy player who spam-pings the map and say "go". Then he decides to "go", all by himself. Ends up dying, then comes the epic flaming. The rest of the suiciders team will end up dying, the fight started off 4v5 = game over.

- Linken to counter purge is debatable. Purge got a 8s cd, and is bought on heroes who already have a target spell (phantom lancer, phantom lancer and phantom lancer), thus making linken useless as a counter in the first place. Force staff away, then tp home if you face a oversized lancer while you are out of position.

On the trax case: Positioning and hero are the main factors when facing a trax. Due to her insane dmg gain early on, she is one of the most noobfriendly heroes around. Always make sure someone in your team disables her ulti, that be by blinking, lothar, toss or whatnot. Trax hits significantly weaker without her ulti, don't let her stand back there alone and fire off her lethal arrows.
Force staff, ghostscepter/ethereal blade, TP scroll, HP/STR items + blademail are the best item-counters, while there are too many aspects of how to counter trax when it comes to playstyle, noticing the trax' positioning/playstyle in fights, that I could write a book about it. It's really all about disabling her ulti. That be by someone, a tanky hero, manfighting and running towards her by blademailling, tossing someone towards her, blinking to her, using sucuchi and attack her, windwalk to her etc, etc.

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Re: Nutz's Dota FAQ. Counters

Postby Dust » Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:34 pm

People have the same problem with trax as they do with riki, and that is fear. If trax silences you and hits you with frost arrows, your best bet is often to run towards her and cancel her ult. Her dps is so greatly reduced without that passive, most of the time you can live until her silence runs off and then just kill her.

In the same way, when riki ganks you and does his cloud + backstab combo, sometimes its better to just stand your ground and fight him. His dps when hitting you from the back is so great you'll die for sure. If he doesn't have a basher yet, you can just face him and tp away.

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