The new Legion TD 3.41 No-Cross bot is up!
Information on the *NEW* No-Cross bot:
- Bot name is ENT31
- You can check for games by typing "/w clan.enterprise !g cross" or by checking the Games Page
- The Rules for the No-Cross bot are a little different. Visit theLTD Rules Page on our Wikipedia for complete LTD rules listing.
- [spoiler=LTD No-Cross specific rules:]Legion TD No Cross
- Players cannot switch to the Mercenary race under any circumstances
- Default mode must be set as -hpgmcb with builder prophet (Unless 100% of players agree to an alternate game mode before the game starts)
- Players may not build any towers on their teammates lane. This includes double-building, cross-building and aura swapping
- [spoiler=LTD No-Cross specific rules:]Legion TD No Cross
- Announcements have been added to all of the current LTD bots to help promote our new bot
- The new No-Cross LTD bot has its own separate ELO bracket and stats page - compete to see who is the best "solo builder" in LTD!
- Type "!lms" while in the No-Cross bot to see your No-Cross stats
Hope to see you there! Happy gaming!