ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

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ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

Postby Prezydent » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:08 pm

Otóż mam 46 wygranych i 26 przegranych na ENT legion td mega euro i mam 980 elo.
Coś się chyba nie zgadza, inni mają 26/29 i mają po 1000+ elo.
Mam o 20 więcej wygranych niż przegranych to powinienem mieć wysokie punkty elo
a tutaj mam niskie.
Jak to elo jest liczone?

ENG [translate.google.pl]
Well, I have 46 winners and 26 losers on ENT legion td mega euro and I'm 980 elo.
Something is probably not correct, others are 26/29 and have the 1000 + elo.
I have about 20 more wins than losers that should have high elo points
and here I am low.
As it is elo calculated?

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Re: ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

Postby Diablo_ » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:18 pm

ELO gain varies based on the ELO of your and the opponent team. If your team has more ELO you will only win a few ELO while you will lose a lot ELO.
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Re: ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

Postby Hutzu » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:21 pm

Your ELO does not depend on the win-lose ration. It depends on the average ELO of your team vs the average ELO of your opponents' team.

If 2000 ELO plays vs 1000 ELO, and 2000 ELO team wins 9 times and loses 1 time. Then after those 10 games (9+1), the 2000 ELO team will have LESS Elo, although they won 9 out of 10 games.

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Re: ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

Postby nabo. » Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:57 pm

Balanced elo gain/loss is 15 elo.

As Hutzu mentioned, your elo gain/loss from winning/losing the game depends on the difference of both team's avg elo. Therefore, depending on the difference your elo change will move up and down from 15.
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Re: ELO points in the legion td mega ent euro

Postby Grindhouse » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:41 pm

Well said Hutzu!

To have a winning ratio and low ELO you must have been on the higher ELO team and lost. I've had several games with the chance to win 3 ELO or lose 23 ELO because the average ELO is stacked for 1 team, which can be an advantage until you cross and your builder disconnects. Which causes a dramatic drop in ELO. It's a lot easier to lose 100 ELO than to gain it.

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