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Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:58 pm
by bosse

I'm new to ENT. Thanks for your work. :)
However I'm baffled that its only those crappy mega-versions live. Why isn't there the old school regular tower defences? Thats the real deal. I'm bit confused since in Legion for instance, there are more ppl playing the oldschool edition (which has an new update now aswell as of 2017) than the mega/hell editions. There was, probably a private person hosting a bot for the regular Legion. But it's down right now and some other times. So it would be nice with one more. :)

I would really love if you start new bots for all the regular td's like Green TD, Legion, Wintemaul and so on. But especially Legion since it almost has its own community.

I tried to host through your system just now(which btw is a really good thing you guys fixed for us), but it seems not to work for me unfortunatly eventhough i followed the wiki.

Thankful for good answers. Anyway thanks for your work, I still hope wc3 is gonna get back as a game of glory. Seems like many ppl are tired of wow and starting to wanna get back to real gaming. Lets make it happen! :)


Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:41 pm
by Shovelrats
bosse wrote:there are more ppl playing the oldschool edition

Nope. 10 ppl playing that CRAP is not bigger than 10s of thousands.

Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 11:08 am
by bosse
Well that ain't the truth.. :)
For starters i wonder HOW ppl eventually can prefer the mega-edition.

However there are about at least 10 full games of Legion (regular) per hour. So approximately 80 players per hour only on the bot i used to play.

I just think it would be easy to arrange a regular legion-bot. So all we that prefer the regular oldschool td's get satisfied as well. Just a suggestion!

Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 11:10 am
by bosse
Me and my homies can arrange an own bot, it's not that. Just would think it is more fun if its included in a bigger community such as ENT. But hey!

Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:10 pm
by SLSGuennter
Try to post this in the "suggestion" subforum pls.

I guess we could change ent96 to normal LTD, but have no clue what the department thinks about this :)
I would be happy to play a LTDv1.6-game from time to time aswell!

Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:27 am
by bezdak
SLSGuennter wrote:I guess we could change ent96 to normal LTD

I highly doubt it's gonna be successful, but 96 is absolutely useless, so nothing to lose here rly.

Re: Why there is no regular Legion TD?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:29 pm
by bosse
Thanks for the answers! :)