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What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:43 pm
by Hakuna
Obviously the word and concept of "fun" is really vague. Pretty much everyone has their own definition, and preferences.

In general, I would like to propose there are a few typical things that people enjoy:

  • Creative expression
  • Organization
  • Competition
  • Mastering something through practice

Creative People
When you find a new strategy that you have never seen before, or discover a niche for a tower you previously thought was useless, this can be a lot of fun due to creative expression. Being able to do things in a new way, either new to you or new to the meta-game, is a key factor for creative expression. The random-factor of the Prophet is what provides this creative expression when playing Legion TD.

Organized People
Being able to execute a plan perfectly or get ideal focus on a boss wave due to unit placement is a reward for the organized. Being able to manage your wisp count vs tower value in order to hold the waves with the minimum amount possible is a large part of the game. Coordinating with teammates on sending and on building is crucial to playing competitively.

Competitive People
Often, the outcome of the game comes down to the team-mates you get. This can be extremely frustrating for highly competitive people. They might do every little thing right but because their team-mate was not playing correctly, the game is lost anyway. Legion TD lends itself quite well to being competitive, since there is a very fine line between holding and leaking on a send wave and winning or losing a race send. Many strategies exist to milk the most power out of the best players, such as allocating extra gold to them via strategic leaks or giving them control of the king.

Legion TD is very good at rewarding practice. There are 90 base units, each with at minimum 1 upgrade, resulting in more than 200 towers to learn. Generally speaking, most of them work best paired with other towers, and have strong and weak waves. Due to the sheer volume of content in the game, the more you play the better you will become, almost without a limit. At the same time, Legion TD doesn't suffer from the usual "high learning curve" that many games of similar complexity have which discourage newbies from learning. Although the competitive team-mates will often drive away new players with anger and impatience, the game itself is generally appealing to learn for new players.

Which of these groups are you most defined by? Do you find any of these things lacking in Legion? Would you like to see more attention given to rewarding one or more of these categories? Are there any categories that I missed?


Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:48 pm
by Jabba41
I think i started to like LTD because i sucked so much at the beginning (620 ELO) and then discovered how to play, mixing units... trying new ways to build... adding a unit hre and there and noticing it makes a difference.

Ì've met nice people while playing, one of them acutally became my friend over the years. Its always fun to play with others just talk/relax, as LTD is a very slow game.

Im like the competetiveness sometimes and go 1200+, but i enjoy the 1200+ players more usually as its fun (sometimes stressfull... but i guess admin commands make up for this usually :D )

All in all : LTD is exactly the kind of game that i need when wanting to chill or do 2 thhings at the same time.
amazing game, amazing players, amazing trolls.

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:26 am
by Hakuna
Jabba41 wrote:I think i started to like LTD because i sucked so much at the beginning (620 ELO) and then discovered how to play, mixing units... trying new ways to build... adding a unit hre and there and noticing it makes a difference.

Ì've met nice people while playing, one of them acutally became my friend over the years. Its always fun to play with others just talk/relax, as LTD is a very slow game.

Im like the competetiveness sometimes and go 1200+, but i enjoy the 1200+ players more usually as its fun (sometimes stressfull... but i guess admin commands make up for this usually :D )

All in all : LTD is exactly the kind of game that i need when wanting to chill or do 2 thhings at the same time.
amazing game, amazing players, amazing trolls.

Troll Champions!

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:34 am
by item
What makes it fun? Enemies like this one :D

I was so confused about the late kills 1, god damn.

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:34 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
For me the fun of LTD comes from mixing units. I find absolutely (or almost) no fun in playing units like elite archers, blasters, etc. where you just build this specific unit and follow a "conventional" build. For me, the fun happens when I get a roll I need/want to yolo and make the best out of it, where I mix units and maximize my push, etc.

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:06 pm
by Anda
Gamewise i like to play my line but always thinking about the others strengths and weaknesses aswell and finding the best way to survive critical waves / hit the knockout punch on opposite team.

The real deal for me is the community though, over all years of me playing here ive met hundreds of friendly people, and on the opposite side just a handfull i blatently cant stand seeing in the game. Be that back in the days on the 3.5 beta bot, 1200+ or now lihl...otherwise i wouldnt put the hours in to help manage this group of hotheaded but all in all nice people.
Thats the real benefit for me, nice people that are kind to each other (most of the times at least :D) and trying their best to play with everybody no matter the skill difference.
Oh and tariq of course, love you brother <3

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 5:25 pm
by wotkd8068

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:42 am
by cantwakeup
chill game, can listen to music, utilizes brainpower over mechanics, kinda like chess
also if u do the math theres more legion games than there are 52! (52 factorial) making it more fun than poker

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:45 pm
by nicolai123
cantwakeup wrote:chill game, can listen to music, utilizes brainpower over mechanics, kinda like chess
also if u do the math theres more legion games than there are 52! (52 factorial) making it more fun than poker

im genuinly curious regarding how u arrived at that number.

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:22 pm
by Hakuna
I do not know what he meant by "more legion games than 52!". 52! = 8x10^67. I believe poker is played with 5 cards, though I do not play poker so I could be wrong. 5 cards in 52 would be 52!/47! or 2.5x10^59, though there is probably more to the game than just what 5 cards one player has. 52! I believe would be the number of different ways a deck could be shuffled, which doesn't seem like that useful of a number.

There are 15 towers per tier, and 6 tiers, so for a given roll you have 15^6 or 11,390,625 possible combinations. If you counted all 7 rolls each player gets as well as the 8 players in the game, you would have 56*(15^6) which is 637,875,000 or 6.3x10^8. This still is 51 orders of magnitude short of the poker comparison he made, if only counting the smaller number I mentioned, which is comparing the complete rerolls of all 8 players with one poker player's one hand. Not a very good comparison. Comparing all the hands all the players in a game of poker get would be far more comparable, and then we would be talking an even larger gap.

Anyway long story short he's flat wrong but that doesn't change his conclusion being that Legion TD is more fun than poker. That part I can agree to.

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:04 pm
by GreenLikeHerbs

Re: What makes LTD fun?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:43 pm
by Vendeta
Oh my god, he is back