Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:35 pm
I really f***ing can't stand playing hybrid and i'm not alone in this for sure, i am getting sooooooo insanely f***ing sick and tired of having to play those boring, shitty ass -hp hybrid games because i don't wanna get banned or get my stats fucked up.
Why can't the bot either automatically input -aplimmhgggcbx3 as mode (kinda sux with the li i know, but merc sux harder) or force red player to choose -hpgmcb Prophet....that is what 99% of the players want, and the last 1% will almost never announce it if they are choosing a different mode. It's making me not want to play anymore on the ENT bots unless i am red player or i know the one who is playing red, because even if you ask what mode they are playing, usually they wont answer you if they are going to play something other than -hp Prophet....i guess it is because they know most ppl would leave then, but god dammit! I don't join the legion games to play that random boring race, i play legion because i wanna be able to build this fucking awesome defence (which i choose, not randomly chosen for me) and that is impossible with hybrid.
And for those that will just say, "then join the next game" or smth similar to that, I fucking can't join the next game because if i leave i get banned, and also ENT got the only bot who tracks stats which is awesome, but sux when you are then forced to play through shitty ass games like that.
Pleeeeaaaaase do something about it!
Why can't the bot either automatically input -aplimmhgggcbx3 as mode (kinda sux with the li i know, but merc sux harder) or force red player to choose -hpgmcb Prophet....that is what 99% of the players want, and the last 1% will almost never announce it if they are choosing a different mode. It's making me not want to play anymore on the ENT bots unless i am red player or i know the one who is playing red, because even if you ask what mode they are playing, usually they wont answer you if they are going to play something other than -hp Prophet....i guess it is because they know most ppl would leave then, but god dammit! I don't join the legion games to play that random boring race, i play legion because i wanna be able to build this fucking awesome defence (which i choose, not randomly chosen for me) and that is impossible with hybrid.
And for those that will just say, "then join the next game" or smth similar to that, I fucking can't join the next game because if i leave i get banned, and also ENT got the only bot who tracks stats which is awesome, but sux when you are then forced to play through shitty ass games like that.
Pleeeeaaaaase do something about it!